The Young Knight & A Princess (Pt. 1)

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Simon sighed as he closed his eyes, clearing his thoughts before opening his eyes again taking a strike hit. He had the other knights in shock. A small lad as himself with such talent. The princess watched him from afar as she was watching him closely, holding her hand clutched to her heart. Artemis and Luna came around the corner. "There you are princess! You must be careful you could get hurt being around them while practicing.." Artemis said. Simon heard and looked over as he saw the princess as they started to walk away. "Rehema.." He thought to himself.

Simon put his sword away as he had pretty much passed his test. "Outstanding job lad, you'll be a great knight in no time!" The commander stated. Simon nodded and slightly bowed. "Thank you sir." Simon said as he brushed himself off. The other guys are jealous of his talents. "I gotta keep trying and become stronger.. so I'll always be by her side.. even if I am only a knight to her.. maybe she will notice me.." Simon thought to himself. 

Rehema sighed as she was taking her lessons. "Mau power ignite!" She called out. She would summon out her Mau wand. She practiced with a dummy. Artemis and Luna guiding her. After practice she took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Great job princess!" Luna said as she rushed over. "Another great practice." Artemis said.
Rehema smiled as she put her weapon away. "The next lesson is art and then evening dance lessons." Artemis said looking at his checklist. "Here princess, I know your schedule is a little tight today so I brought you a snack." Luna said, handing her an apple as they went towards the next lesson. Rehema eats the apple that Luna had given her. "Red and delicious. " Rehema said to herself.
Simon calmly went to his place and cleaned up by taking his clothes off and laying his sword near him and he washed up. The only thing on his mind was her. Her beautiful dark gray silky hair, her gorgeous bright green eyes. Her soft, kind voice had his heart racing. He shook his head as the water hit his face. "What am I thinking.. I am a knight and she is a princess that would never work you moron... as if the princess would love you." He said to himself as he was upset. "My duty is before my heart.. I must focus on my sworn duties." Simon said as he soon turned off the water and walked out of the shower. He sighed as he looked at the mirror, the water dripping down from his wet hair. "My dream..—-" Simon paused his thought as a knock was on his door. "Be right there!" He called out as he quickly dressed and went to open the door. "Captain?!" Simon said, shocked. "The King and Queen wish to see you. They have an important message in which I am not informed to know what it is about. Please go immediately!" He commanded. "Of course, I'll grab the rest of my clothes and leave immediately sir." Simon said as the captain nodded and left as he became suspicious of what they wanted him for. Simon headed towards the palace and took a deep sigh. Going in through the doors of the throne room as he was greeted by the King and Queen. Simon quickly bowed respectfully as his heart started to race in nervousness. "Do you know why you are here?" The King asked. "I honestly do not know your majesty." Simon replied. Simon had bad flowing thoughts racing in the back of his mind. "Are they going to let me go because of my age?" He questioned. The King cleared his voice. "The reason you are here is because the princess is at her final stage of training and I need a fine knight to be by her side. I saw your skills today and I was amazed by your young talent, so young.. boy you stood out to me." The King replied. Simon's face looked shocked. "Me?!" He said surprised. Simon looked around and cleared his throat. "Sorry for my behavior, your majesty. I will gladly protect the safety of the princess, you can count on me!" Simon replied his eyes looked the king right in the eye and he remained in a bow position but his arm was at his chest. "Good, you may go now." The King said. Simon nodded and quickly got on his feet and left, closing the door behind him. The Queen looked over at her King. "Are you sure about this?" The Queen asked. "I have a good feeling about this young man. The God's gave me the fate of seeing this young man in action for a reason." The King replied to his wife.
She nodded.

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