Secret Romance? But I Love Him!

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Mau sighed and looked both ways before sneaking out of the palace. It was night and the moon was full. This was a lot harder than it really looked. Everyone was asleep and this was the best time. Mau jumped around and ran for a while before slowing down and catching her breath. "I hope he's still awake.." Mau thought as she continued her way to the planet Anubis.

As Mau arrived she curiously looked around. Sneaking inside and looking closely watching out for the guards. Ramesses saw her from above as he started to head her way. As she went around a corner, a guard grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up high. "Trespassing on the great pharaoh.. you shall go to the dungeon until the Pharaoh decides your punishment." The Knight said. Mau struggled a lot and shook her head. "Please.. I just came to see him.. I mean no harm and he wouldn't care if he knew I was here.." Mau said as she was scared. "Then you will find out when he decides to see you tomorrow." The guard replied then suddenly Ramesses appeared as Mau saw him and looked shocked. "Let her go.. she is free to roam here whenever she likes." Ramesses stated and the guard dropped her. "Yes, your highness at your wish." The guard said and then bowed to him.

Mau runs over to Ramesses and hugs him tightly. Ramesses holds her and looks deeply into her eyes. "I'm glad you are here, but you shouldn't sneak around here.. it's dangerous." Ramesses replied. Mau puffed her cheeks and nodded. "You haven't spoken to me in so long.. I couldn't stand it." Mau replied. Ramesses looked confused. "I send you letters and flowers everyday, do you not get them?" Ramesses asked, puzzled. Mau looked shocked at him after that. "No, I haven't gotten anything.. wouldn't surprise me if Simon keeps rejecting it though.." Mau said sadly. Ramesses put his hand under her chin and pulled her face up. "It'll work out soon enough.. but for now come join me." Ramesses said as he grabbed her hand and took her to where he wanted to take her. Mau followed him and questioned where he wanted to take her.

After some walking Ramesses takes her to a stable. "Horses?!" Mau questioned. Mau looked so happy. They had quite a few. One seemed to be more dressed up than the others. He walked over petting the horse and prepared the saddle, placing it on his back. Mau stood back and watched him as her heart raced. She was excited but nervous at the same time. "We're going to ride that?" Mau questioned. Ramesses paused what he was doing and looked at her. "You don't want to? Are you scared?" Ramesses asked her. "I just.. I never rode one before.." Mau said nervously.

Ramesses smiled at her. "Then you'll enjoy it. Come here, pet him." Ramesses said, signaling her to come closer. Mau walked over slowly and began to pet the horse as it neighed and slightly startled her. "Woah woah.." Ramesses said to the horse holding it. Ramesses took the leash and they walked outside, him getting on first as he left room for her. "You can join me now, make sure to hold on tight." Ramesses said as he reached his hand down to help her up. Mau grabbed his hand and he pulled her up and she blushed as she realized how close she was to him. "You already?" Ramesses asked her. "I think so.." Mau replied.

Ramesses made a click noise and pulled the leash of the horse as the horse began to move. Mau held onto him as they were not going very fast. After riding some more. They went faster and faster as Mau couldn't help but feel happy and slowly falling more in love with him. Each day, she would sneak out more, more random times. Simon started to question as he never saw her much as he used to. Months went by, Mau and Ramesses went a little more brave as they met further out on the outskirts of Mau's kingdom.

Simon saw her and decided to follow and then saw her with him. She was laughing and giggling. "So there you were Mau, hanging out with that damn Anubian, after I clearly told you that it was forbidden!" Simon yelled. Mau looked shocked. Oh no! we've been caught!" Mau said nervously as she got in front of him. "Let's go Mau.. Ramesses you go back home!" Simon said. Mau shook her head. "Simon.. I know you'll be angry but.. I love him, I forgive him.. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.. I've made up my mind." Mau said to Simon with a straight face. Simon glared at her and Mau started to get nervous. "Simon, this girl is not a child. She is old enough and can make her own choices. Even if you hate me or not, we're both madly in love with each other.. you cannot keep us apart, she is the princess, next to be ruler. You'll have to abide by her, you do not have the authority to control her anymore." Ramesses stated.

Simon looked shocked. Ramesses was right. Simon stood there quietly and started to shake. "I-I promised the Queen I would protect this child.." Simon said. "You did a fine job, you raised her well. She defeated the Isfet, rescued me. Don't worry I will not let harm come to her, I will protect her with my life." Ramesses replied, giving Simon a serious look. Mau ran up to Simon and hugged him. "Simon please.. I'm old enough now.. I promise I'll be alright.. I'll be the great Queen Mother would want out of me..." Mau replied. Simon held Mau tight and cried out loud. Mau was shocked. "Simon..." Mau said as she remained hugging him.

After some time Simon wiped his tears. "The ban is lifted.." Simon said. Mau and Ramesses were both shocked and looked at each other. Simon put on a half smile and nodded. Mau kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you.." Mau said as she got up and ran back over to Ramesses jumping back into his arms. Mau and Ramesses would kiss deeply as Simon sighed and began to feel a little better himself about it. Mau would spend way more time on the Anubis planet then Mau now. Everyone else has moved on, Simon still in command of Mau and protects it as usual. My sisters have moved onto their own thing. Osiris and Isis eventually got married. Hathor spends more time with her Aunt now and Nephthys goes back and forth between the Ankh Oasis and back home. Sekhmet follows her own mission and they all come and visit me on Anubis every once in a while.

It was that time, the time I will finally become Queen of both Anubis and Mau. It almost feels like a long dream but it's real. I Nefertari am getting ready for my own wedding after so long. I'm wearing a dress Mom, it's beautiful. I wish you could see me in it, from the heavens right? My dress is beautiful Mom.. I'm crying. It's a beautiful shade of pink, my favorite color. He had it specially made just for me, I didn't have to ask. It has a beautiful long cape, my side hair was braided so nicely. Though it's kinda embarrassing my belly button shows some, just like my princess outfit, I think that's why he chose it. I'm holding flowers now. They smell so nice. They actually match my dress which is so weird, right? The place we have set it gorgeous, all the guards and my sisters', Isis, Osiris, Wenet, Nephthys, Simon, almost everyone I knew were here.

It's almost time for me to meet him, I also have a little surprise for him. It's almost time for me to say my vows. I'm nervous, my heart is racing. There he is, I started to blush. He had a nice bird crown on, he was wearing black cape, red and blue with gold jewelry; shorts instead of his long usual pants I usually see him in. He took my hand. He gazed into my eyes, I also gazed into his. We walked inside this room from outside after climbing some steps. The room was empty there was what you would call a priest. We both sat on our knees and put our arms crossing up against our chests. He chanted and prayed to the Gods until us and made us repeat and drink sharing one huge cup of wine. That was my least favorite part--yuck. We closed our eyes, the priest put out his Was scepter at us and continued the ceremony. My heart began to race harder, faster as it was now time for me to kiss him. My ears leaned back; my eyes remained closed as everyone clapped hard for us. Wenet jumping excitedly between us and startling us as Nephthys and Sekhmet dragged her away. Our rings were on both our fingers as I finally said. "I do."

I leaned over, whispered him a little secret. Something I just couldn't wait any longer to express. "Ramesses.. I have a new star inside me, for us." Mau whispered. Ramesses looked surprised and cheered. "To our kingdoms, to our future. Forever peace, forever love. Mautians and Anubians forever bonding kingdoms this day. We like to welcome, a newborn to our life, a whole new chapter. Nefertari forever as my wife, until this day I Ramesses II will rule side by side with my Queen. " Ramesses said as he held and petted Mau's stomach. Simon looked shocked and almost fainted. "Newborn?!" He exclaimed. Isis and Hathor helped him keep balance and remain standing and chuckled. Osiris smiled even though all he could do was hear it all. He could just imagine them in the back of his mind at least. Everyone ate, had a great time. Mau and Ramesses walked through a gorgeous garden shortly after, Mau holding her bouquet as she finally tossed it. Of course, the fast speedy Rabbit, Wenet wasn't about to let them go. So, she ran and caught it then laughed.

Later everyone left, all except for a few. Simon, Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor, Osiris and of course Nephthys. They all gave hugs and congratulated them. Simon however was still in complete shock after hearing I was pregnant. I guess I don't blame him after all, in his eyes I'm still his sweet little Mau. After everyone left, me and Ramesses went horseback riding. I'm getting more familiar with it though, especially when he holds me tightly. This isn't the end of my story though; I have a future to go. The promise to live by his side for a long time, I hope to keep. Until then, we will still continue to find the way to end this curse.

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