Final Battle - Seth VS Ramesses; Healed Hearts and Final Goodbyes

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Ramesses, Simon, Sekhmet, Hathor had entered the palace. The palace was like a maze. Each of them walked on top of sand that was on the floor. "Be careful! He manipulates sand..." Ramesses said. Everyone took caution. They continued to walk the path, passing a lion statue. Giza sensed them walking by him. "Intruders!" Giza said. Suddenly the ground caved in as Ramesses, Simon, Hathor and Sekhmet all fell into the pit.

Each of them was dreaming. Simon had a dream of Rehema. It was a nice dream until it suddenly turned into a nightmare. Sekhmet and Hathor's dream also ended up being a nightmare about their mother. The nightmare continued. Ramesses somehow unaffected stood up seeing Simon and the girls on the ground. Ramesses went to them and kneeled down. His wounds reopened as he winced. He shook their body's trying to wake them up. "Come on, wake up!" Ramesses said. "You must answer three riddles to return to one's place and if you fail you die here!" Giza said.

Ramesses looked shocked. "Giza?! Wasn't you sealed in the eye of Horus?!" Ramesses questioned. "I was released and now you must solve these three riddles." Giza replied. Ramesses questioned how. He didn't have time to play around. "First riddle?" Ramesses asked.
Giza floated in the air. "What is it that has one voice, and is four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?" Giza asked. Ramesses stood in a blank stare thinking. "One voice... Four-footed... Two... Three..." Ramesses thought.

Ramesses grabbed a stick off the ground and leaned on it to ease his pain before a thought occurred in his mind. "Could it be?" Ramesses thought about it some more. "I'm waiting..." Giza said. Ramesses cleared his throat as he took a big chance. "One voice is a single individual person; Man, starting out with four legs as an infant, growing to walk on two-legs as an adult. Then by elderly years you gain a third leg by a crutch or cane." Ramesses replied. A moment paused. "You are correct." Giza said. Simon slowly woke up. "Where am I...?" He stood up and shook the sand off his clothes. "Good, lazy cat... You are awake, help me out!" Ramesses said. Simon glared at Ramesses as he was now ticked off. "The hell did you call me lazy for? I am not lazy!" Simon yelled.

Simon noticed Sekhmet and Hathor lying on the ground. "Hathor! Sekhmet!" Simon called out. "It's no use, until we answer the questions this lion gives us, they will not wake up." Ramesses said. "You're kidding!" Simon replied. Ramesses smacked his own head and sighed. "You think I would kid around in a time and place like this? Dude, come on. I get you don't like me but this isn't the time." Ramesses replied. Simon sighed "Riddle number two..." Giza said. Ramesses and Simon both look at each other nervously. "I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will, and yet, I am the confidence of all who live and breathe. What am I?" Giza asked.

Ramesses and Simon both looked at each other. "Come on general, you are supposed to be smart. Answer this one." Ramesses said. Simon clenched his fist. "I swear tomorrow——"Simon said and paused. Giza then answered. "Correct the answer is tomorrow or present." Simon looked puzzled. "Great work, you moron cat." Ramesses mocked him in laughter. Simon glared and pouted. Hathor soon woke up as she looked around. "Where...?" Simon leans down and helps her up. "We're being tested by knowledge... so we're going to need your brain for this..." Simon said. Hathor nodded and brushed her outfit off. "Sis?!" Hathor yelled. "She's under the lion's sleep spell... in order to wake her up we must answer this last question." Ramesses said. Hathor looked nervous and nodded. "Alright..." Hathor replied.

"Next question. 'First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,
The middle letter of middle and end of the end?
And finally give me the sound often heard
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and answer me this,
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?" Giza asked. Simon and Ramesses as well as Hathor huddle together. "Spy is the first one obviously." Simon said. The middle letter of middle and last letter of end are both d..." Hathor said. "Hard to find word...Errr...umm..." Ramesses said. "String them together.. animal you wouldn't kiss..." Simon said. "String... Spy...D..." Hathor said thinking more.  "SPIDER!" Hathor yelled as it clicked into her brain. Simon and Ramesses both raise up their arms and Hathor gives them a high five.

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