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I lay my pencil down and stare at the chemistry homework that sits before me.

I have no idea what's happening in chemistry. I fell asleep one time and now I'm lost. I also can't ask my teacher for help because he'll give me a lecture about not paying attention which is so dumb, I hate when teachers do that.

I look over the paper one more time and sigh in defeat, plopping my head down into my arms.

"Jules!" my mother shouts from downstairs.

"Yes?" I shout back in a muffled tone.


I raise my head up from my arms. "Yes?" I shout again, unmuffled.


I hate when my mom does this. She yells my name and then doesn't reply when I yell back so it forces me to get up and go to her.

I scoot my chair back and swing my door open. My feet begin to travel down the stairs. I lean on the railing of the last step and answer my mom again. "Yes?"

She turns away from the pot she's stirring and glances towards me. "Lukas just got off of practice so it won't be long until the Romeros are here," she explains.

I roll my eyes as I begin to remember what night it is.

The Romeros come over every Wednesday to have dinner with us. It's been a tradition ever since Lukas and I were little.. we've always hated it and our parents are well aware of it. It's just the fact that our parents are pretty much each other's only friends so we just stay quiet.

I hop off the last step and roam into the kitchen. "Need help with anything?" I ask.

"I forgot about the bread.. It's already unthawed and the oven is preheated so can you just slide it in and start the timer please," she mentions while turning her attention back to the pot.

I walk over to the counter and unwrap the bread, placing each slice on the pan at a good distance apart. I then open the oven and slide the bread onto the highest rack. I close the oven and turn back to my mom.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Could you set the table?" she answers.

I nod and begin to open cabinets and drawers to grab everything I need.

Six plates, napkins, forks, spoons, knives, and cups are left scattered on the dining table. I grab one of each item for each spot and set the table up accordingly.

When I finally finish setting everything up, I take a seat on the couch in the living room and pull out my phone.

A text from Kiara shows up on my lock screen.

Kiara: I'm sorry if you feel forced to go with Luke

Me: Don't say sorry, I'll power through it

Kiara: Just wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me

Me: I'm not mad at you. I just don't want to deal with Lukas.

Kiara: Lol, I get it but he seemed like the best choice.

Me: How was HE the best choice

Kiara: I see the way y'all look at each other

Me: Idk what u see but whenever we look at each other it's full of hate

Kiara: Sureee

I zone out of my phone screen as the doorbell rings.

I hear my mom gasp, as she hasn't finished cooking yet. "Jules, can you get the door, please?" she shouts from the kitchen.

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