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Faye and Kiara follow me into the rink as I open the doors.

I hear a familiar voice piercing my ears as it shouts from across the rink. The voice belongs to Lukas, it's very distinctive and easy to recognize. It's also quite annoying.

I stride over to the ice and lean over to look into practice.

The screaming continues and Lukas' face appears to be turning into a light shade of red. He must be getting on everyone's nerves because I've been standing here for less than a minute and the amount of scoffs, eye rolls, and muttering I've seen is outrageous.

"I thought practice was canceled, why are they still here?" Faye questions. She comes from behind to look off into practice and to take in the scene.

"Who knows," I pause. "But I do know that Lukas is pissing everyone off," I chuckle, seeing his face turn more red by the minute.

"Did they all wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Kiara jokes from behind.

"Maybe not them but Lukas, definitely," I add on.

"Be back on the ice in five!" he yells. His voice travels around the rink and spins back over to us, piercing our ears.

The three of us chuckle at how mad he sounds. He sounds as if someone changed his boxers for panties and they're riding far up his ass.

We begin to make our way over to the bleachers and place our items down.

I pull out my skates, socks, and leg warmers and begin to lay them out around me making sure to not mix them up with any of Kiara or Faye's things.

I made that mistake once and took some of Faye's guards on her skates and I remember she was so mad at me since she had just gotten her skates sharpened and me stealing her guards dulled them.

"Hey, Faye," a voice calls out. I look up and spot Alex leaning over the short wall that's covering the ice.

She rises up and nears closer to him. "Hi," she replies with a smirk.

He motions for Kiara and I to come closer to listen in. "Before Coach canceled practice, Lukas and I were talking about how close the big game was and how the team is a shit show right now," he begins.

"Go on," she says, motioning for him to continue speaking.

He looks behind him and then back to us, scanning the area. "I suggested that we bring you guys in to help out the team but Lukas shut that idea down," he continues.

"Why us?" I question.

"I've seen how all of you skate and share the ice while doing some of the tricks you guys do, you have to know how each of y'all move.. right?" he asks, looking between the three of us.

Kiara nods. "I mean it didn't take long to figure out which sides of the ice we like more and what tricks we lean towards," she explains.

"Exactly, our team doesn't work together. They just steal the puck from each other and that's why we keep losing," he mentions.

Faye looks towards Kiara and I and we all share the same confused expression, not knowing what to do.

"How are we supposed to help all of you guys though?" Faye speaks up.

Alex takes a breath before speaking again. "We can split into three groups, that way each of y'all can focus on a certain number of people and help them come together and maybe try and get the stick out of Lukas' ass," he jokes.

Faye and Kiara laugh but I stay quiet, spotting Lukas rise from behind Alex.

He places his hand on Alex's shoulder, forcing Alex to turn and face him.

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