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What I thought was only going to be a week of ignoring Juliana Ortiz, has now turned into a three week process.

She hasn't talked to me since the day of her competition.

I've tried talking to her in class, in the halls, even during the Friday group work but she always ignores me and talks to Kiara instead.

It feels like I've tried everything to get her to talk to me.

I just need five minutes alone with her to tell her that the whole situation wasn't my fault, I didn't even know Lacy figure skated anymore. She told me she quit a couple months ago. Well I don't read the thousands of messages she sends me so I could be wrong. I just don't understand why Lacy is so obsessed with me.

So now, Juliana and I are sitting straight across from one another, staying silent as the whole group discusses the potential plans for winter break.

It's kinda weird to think about how close this friend group has gotten over the semester. It used to just be Alex and I and then the trio but now Andy has become closer with us guys and the whole group just combined one day.

So now we're all sitting here in Andy's cozy basement, deciding on where we all want to spend Christmas.

"Does that sound good with y'all?" Alex questions, asking Juliana and I.

"Sorry I was texting my mom, what'd you say?" Juliana speaks, taking her eyes away from her phone.

"I was saying that my parents are going to be out of town for Christmas and leaving me to watch the house. So that means I have the whole house to myself to do whatever and have whoever over," he explains, grimacing over the idea.

"My parents should be cool with it," I chime in. It'll be cool spending the holidays with someone that isn't my family. Besides, I've always wanted to see Alex's place. We've been friends for over ten years and I haven't been over to his house once.

"I'll have to ask my mom but it seems like fun," Juliana adds. She glances back down at her phone and begins typing.

"If all of y'all are free to go, meet at my place tonight. We have three spare bedrooms, a hot tub, and a dream," Alex jokes.

"Oh shut up," Faye laughs while playfully slapping Alex on the arm.

Alex looks down at his phone and then back up at the group. "My parents just left," he celebrates. "I'm going to get my house set up and I'll hopefully see y'all there," he adds before running up the stairs. Faye waves goodbye to everyone and follows closely behind Alex.

I look around the basement and catch Juliana glancing over at me but before I can catch her, she turns away.

"So are y'all good to go?" I ask Kiara and Andy to spark conversation. Kiara and Andy look up from one another and glance over to me.

"I should be, I just need to pack everything up," she answers, gathering her things.

"Can you help me pack babe?" Andy interjects.

"Of course," she answers while getting up and leading him upstairs.

A week after the formal, Andy and Kiara made it official and you can clearly tell they're a new couple. They're in their honeymoon phase and who knows how long they'll stay in it. I just know that this whole week over at Alex's is going to be filled with a bunch of couply things and I'm not looking forward to it.

I glance over at Juliana now that we're both the only ones left in the basement. Our eyes meet and we both know that there's no excuse for us not to be talking right now.

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