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The sun shines bright down on my face, forcing me awake.

I lift myself off of the bed and rest my head against the railing, beginning to feel my pounding headache catch up with me.

I really shouldn't have gotten drunk last night..

As I begin to look around the room I realize.. I'm in a room. I swear I fell asleep downstairs on the couch last night.. How did I end up back in the room?

I go to reach for my phone on the nightstand but instead find an advil and a bottle of water.

I take the pill and down some water as I hear the door open behind me.

I finish the water and turn my head, being greeted by a familiar figure.

Him and I lock eyes and a bunch of questions rush through my head.

Did anything happen last night that I don't remember? Did he bring me up to my bed? Does he remember kissing me?

Our eyes remain on each other before I break the contact and glance over to the window.

"Hey did we-," I pause, gaining his attention again. "Did we do anything last night?" I fully question, allowing my eyes to meet his again. I watch as a grin appears on his lips as he thinks about his answer.

"Not anything you think," he pauses. "I slept on the couch," he answers, beginning to pack his bag.

"Oh, good," I spit out. I was worried that we might have..

"Did you take the pill I set out?" he questions while leaning down to shuffle through his suitcase.

"Yeah," I pause realizing he's the one who put it there. "Thanks," I continue.

I watch as he moves around the room, picking up things that are his and placing them in his suitcase. Just watching him makes me dizzier than I already am.

I decide to get up and around to try and pack my things up since we have to leave by the end of today.

I begin to travel around the room and pick up the things that are mentally marked as mine.

After a couple minutes, the things laying around my suitcase are placed back into my bag in its respective place.

I turn around to walk towards the bathroom but see a familiar hoodie on the ground. I reach down to pick it up but another set of hands reach for it as well.

"Oh-," I begin, remembering it's not my hoodie.

"No you can-," he starts, passing it to me.

"No you take it-," I argue, passing it back to him.

"I let you have it-," he interjects, trying to pass it back to me.

"Just take it!" I shout, done with this conversation. The volume from my voice makes my ears start to ring and my head begins to pound. I shove the hoodie in his arms and walk over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I just now remembered why I'm mad at him..

It's not even about the Lacy thing anymore, it's the fact that he kissed me.

Why did he kiss me?

Was it to shut me up? As much as I don't want to think of it like that, it is something he'd do.

I just can't believe that he'd do that to me.

Ugh Lukas is such a dick.

I shake the thoughts out of my mind and begin to pack up all of my shower items and face wash.

I zip the bag together and slowly open the bathroom door, seeing that he's still in here packing.

I didn't expect him to leave but now I'm already mad at him and I woke up twenty minutes ago.

I walk over to my suitcase and place my items down, zipping my bag up.


"Thanks for having us all over," I speak up to Alex. I give him a quick hug and turn towards my girls.

"I'm expecting updates from each of y'all later today about everything from the trip," I whisper over to Faye and Kiara. The two of them nod and throw me a smile.

I turn to walk out of the door and begin towards Lukas' car.

I open the door and plop myself down.

Of course he's not my first choice of a ride home but I got nobody else to take me. Faye was staying with Alex for the next couple of nights and Kiara has to go to the airport to pick up her family.

The only thing Lukas had to do was go home so it works better this way.

The driver's side door opens and the tall figure makes himself comfortable.

He silently starts the car and begins to pull out of Alex's long driveway. We drive out of the path and past the gate, onto the road.

Now, I just need to prepare myself for the long, silent ride home.


Someone's holding a grudge..


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