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I never thought I'd be a hockey player and a figure skater all at the same time but here I am, standing next to Juliana in figure skates during her rehearsal time.

The plan is to convince Coach Campbell to let me actually be her temporary partner on the days Rowan isn't here.

I know if she agrees, Jules will be less stressed about the whole situation so I'm hoping Campbell hears her out.

"What are you doing here Mr. Romero?" Coach questions with a raised brow. She skates away from the large group of students and t-stops right in front of us.

"I'm figure skating," I bluntly state. I glance over at Campbell and throw her an awkward smile.

"Clearly," she mumbles as she eyes me up and down. "Did Bob kick you off the team and this is your way of getting back at him?" she half jokes. It's so weird to hear someone call coach by his first name. I almost forgot his name is actually Bob and not Detz.

"No," I mutter quietly, not knowing how to start this conversation. I look over at Jules with an expression that's asking for help and she takes the hint.

"Since Rowan can only practice with me on Thursdays, I was thinking that maybe Lukas could take his place on the days he isn't here," she blurts out. Campbell quickly shoots her a disapproving look and shakes her head.

"I can't allow that," she breathes in a stern manner. Jules eyes meet mine and she mouths what now but I shrug.

"Why not," is all Jules says.

"He isn't a trained figure skater and he doesn't know the routine. He would only get in the way of everyone else's rehearsal," she admits as she crosses her arms.

"I'm a trained hockey player," I announce. Campbell shoots me a quick glare which shuts me up quickly.

"Hockey and figure skating are not the same thing Mr. Romero," she mentions as if I haven't already heard that multiple times.

"I'm aware of that," I utter.

"Good, then you should get off the ice and start getting ready for hockey practice," she adds before starting to skate away.

I turn to look at Jules but she already has a defeated expression on her face. I nudge her and motion for her to say something before Campbell gets too far away.

"What other choice do we have, Coach?" Jules speaks. "If you want me to get anything even close to what I placed last year, then I need to be practicing with a partner every single day. If I'm left hanging and can only practice my lifts once a week, I'm going to get dropped," she blurts out all at once.

"My son wouldn't drop you, he hasn't dropped anyone," Campbell protests.

"He might not but there's always a chance he could," Jules spits back. She crosses her arms and stands up taller, giving her a more confident look.

"If you want to speak like that then let's think about it logistically. If Rowan could drop you, can't Romero drop you as well?" she questions quickly, not giving Jules any time to think.

"Logistically, yes. Anyone could drop me no matter what but if I teach Lukas the right way to lift and catch, then that wouldn't be a problem," Jules interjects.

"Romero plays hockey, he doesn't know a thing about figure skating. You'd really want to risk teaching this sloppy, ungraceful hockey player to figure skate? You'd just be wasting your time on that when you could be spending your time learning your routine alone," Campbell hisses as if I'm not standing right next to them. The stuff she said isn't really.. wrong but she didn't have to come after me like that.

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