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As the sun hits my eyes, I tighten my arms to try and squeeze Juliana into a hug but as I open my eyes I realize she's not here.

I feel around for her but.. nothing.

Did last night even happen?

I look down at my nude body and realize yes, yes it did happen.


Did I do something or say something to make her leave ?

I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable or anything.

You never know with Juliana though. She keeps to herself and sometimes, it makes my mind wander.

I let out a sigh and roll out of bed.

I pick up my phone expecting at least a text from her but.. nothing.

She seemed like she enjoyed last night.. like really enjoyed last night.

What could've changed?

Ugh I need to take my mind off of this.

As if the universe is listening to me, I glance down at the new notification on my phone.

Alex: Are you still coming over today?

Me: For what?

Alex: To help me clean like you said you would

Me: Omw

I forgot I agreed to helping him pack his things for college.

Alex already got accepted into UD and as happy as I am for him, I'm still waiting on my acceptance letter.

It should come any day now.. or at least that's what my mom keeps telling me.


"I already separated the things I'm keeping out until the end of summer so don't touch this pile," Alex states as he motions towards the pile of clothes on the right.

"Got it," I acknowledge. I stride over to an empty box and begin to fold clothes up.

The only reason he's packing this early on is because he's going on a trip the majority of the summer and doesn't want to be stressed with all of the packing whenever he gets back.

"When have you ever worn this?" I question as I hold up a v-line crop top. Alex glances over to me and I watch as his eyes widen.

"Oh- that's Faye's," he reassures as he yanks the shirt out of my hands. I let out a laugh and roll my eyes.

We spend the next twenty minutes packing everything up as I try to keep everything neat, well as neat as I can get.

I stay silent most of the time though since the only thing my mind can think about is last night.

The sounds of her moans still fill my head and the way she whimpered my name-

"Lukas?" Alex blurts out which wakes me up from my trance.

"Yeah?" I question as I turn to him.

"That's not the box my pants go in," he complains as he throws the correct box at me.

"My bad," I mumble.

Out of the corner of my eye I can tell Alex is about to nag me for something, he always has a certain look on his face whenever he does.

"Luke?" he questions, gaining my attention.

"Yes?" I respond.

"Are you ok?"

I think about how to answer his questions. Nothings really wrong, I just need advice or something.

"Actually, can I ask for some advice?" I let up as I sit on the corner of his bed.

"Yeah, what is it?" he questions as he takes the spot next to me.

I can't mention anything about Jules, I don't know how he'd react. Plus Alex has a big mouth so if Alex knows, everyone knows.

"Let's say you're friends with this girl and you guys end up.." I trail off, not knowing how to put this.

"Fucking?" he completes the sentence.

"Uh yeah," I pause. "Then you wake up the next morning and she's gone. She didn't leave a note or a text or anything," I finish. I watch as Alex tries to figure out who I'm talking about but he doesn't seem to put two and two together.

"Maybe she regretted it," he blurts out. My heart sinks to my ass and I glare over at him.

"You're not helping," I mutter.

"I'm kidding, but it is always a reason. She also could've been scared," he mentions.

"Scared?" I question as my eyebrow cocks.

"Scared of how you might think of her in the morning," he states and it all makes sense. Juliana definitely woke up thinking I regret it or something like that.

"Why is this so complicated," I groan as I throw myself back.

"Who'd you sleep with this time?" Alex questions and it makes me sound like a whore.

"Why do you say it as if it's someone new everyday?" I joke as I let up a smile.

"You had a phase there for a moment-,"

"Yeah, a phase, and I didn't even fuck any of them, it was just making out and stuff," I try to explain.

"You know you don't have to lie to me," he mentions which makes my eyes roll.

"Shut the fuck up," I complain as I launch a pillow at his face.

How am I supposed to talk to Juliana?


Hey stink stinks !

We <3 overthinking !!

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