Chapter 21

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Yoongi : I don't buy anything for that Bunny boy 🐰. Go and return them.

Jimin : No, I don't return them.

Yoongi (little bit cold) : Jimin I said return them.

Jimin : I will buy these for him. Don't worry you don't need to pay. I will buy this with my money.

Yoongi (in mind) : Did he think I refuse him because of money ? But it's nothing like that.

Jimin (to cashier) : Sir, please pack this separately . How much for this ?

Cashier : 5K Won Sir.

*( Won is Korea's currency )

Jimin (took out money from his pants' pocket and start counting) : Here is 5K Won.

( He gave money to cashier but before cashier can take money from him , Yoongi hold Jimin's hand and said )

Yoongi : There is no need for this. Put your money back into your pocket.

Jimin (confused) : But if I put my money in my pocket then how will I buy ?

Yoongi : I will buy for you.

Jimin : But you said you didn't buy anything for Kook.

Yoongi : Right. I'm not gonna buy anything for him. I'm gonna buy these for you.

Jimin : But I don't drink these. I always buy these for Kookie. Not for me.

Yoongi : But I brought this for you. Now no more discussion.

( He payed the bill from his card and picked all the shopping bags. He didn't allowed Jimin to pick any bags.)

Jimin : Give me some bags na... It's too much for you.

Yoongi : It's heavy Kid. You can't hold this.

Jimin (offend) : See I also have 2 hands. I can also hold these bags. (Showed him his hands)

Yoongi (stopped and placed all the bags on the floor) : You will hold the bags with this baby hands.  (hold his hand like the pic)

  (hold his hand like the pic)

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Jimin : Yes with this. ( He picked some bags and ran towards Yoongi's car)

Yoongi (shouted and followed him) : Hey, Kid ! Stop running, JIMIN.... JIMIN.... JIMIN....  Aishhh this Kid. Why doesn't he listen to me ?

(Jimin stopped at Yoongi's car and looked behind him where Yoongi was coming towards him.)

Yoongi : Why were you running ? What if you hurt ? How can you be so careless ?

Jimin : Sorry....

Yoongi (opened car's back seat and put all the bags there ) : You always run away without listening me. (start scolding him.)

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