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This will be a longer chapter than the rest of the book.


Saturday 28th May 2022


I tapped my fingers against the wooden dining room table. He's forgotten, again. I hated to say it, but I expected this to happen. I sighed, looked up at the clock once more before I grabbed my glass of wine. I finished the glass in one gulp before standing up and exiting the kitchen, swiping the bottle of wine of the kitchen side. I abandoned the home cooked meal and sat down on the sofa in a hump.

My finger lingered over my phone, debating whether to call him or not. What would I say? Before I had a chance to make a call, my phone buzzed and I saw my Mum calling me. I groaned and then pressed accept, bringing the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I greeted her.

"Hello, Love." She said, her high-pitched posh accent causing havoc with my hearing. "Have you watched Britain's Got Talent this evening?" She asked. Ah, a useless conversation this is about to be.

"You know I haven't watched an episode of it since 2015." I told her.

"Well, tonight there was this lovely little girl on it singing her heart out. She was adorable."

"That's nice." I answered, not really interested in what she's talking about, as I flicked through the TV to settle on something to watch.

"You and Edward got any plans for the bank holiday?"

"Not really, except I booked the week off." I mumbled, settling on a re-run of How I Met Your Mother. "Probably just going to relax."

"Lovely. How do you both feel about coming over tomorrow for lunch? Say 11?"

I rolled my eyes as I opened the wine bottle. "I don't know. Eddie has been out all day. He didn't even make it home in time for date night."

"Oh, Darling, I'm sorry to hear that, Love." She sympathised as I scoffed.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts about him." I admitted. I don't know why I confessed it to my mother of all people.

"Oh no, Dear!" My mum whined, "put it out for a little bit longer. I'm sure it's just a rough patch in your relationship."

"I doubt it." I sighed, steadily pouring another glass. It had been a rough patch for about six months. "He's been out at bloody golf all day. It's like now we live together, he's given up on romance."

"Unfortunately that happens, Clarissa, but like I say, give it a little bit more time and you'll be a lot happier I promise." She told me, making me suspicious and also cringe at the use of my full name.

"Why do you keep saying that?" It hadn't been the first time she'd said it.

"Edward is a lovely young man, Clarissa. He's got a good paying job, he's well-off and well-spoken. He'll be able to provide for you and your children so you don't have to work."

I rolled my eyes again and then sipped my drink. "Children?" I whispered to myself, scoffing.

"You do want children, don't you?"

Stressed, I run a hand through my hair. "Yes, but not now."

"Why not Darling? You're 25. You're at your best age for children at the moment. Of course you'll have to get married first." She chuckled, making me frown.

Her laugh made me feel sick. Or maybe it's the fourth glass of wine.

"Looks like I'm never having children then." I replied in quite a mean tone. I can't imagine Eddie getting down on one knee anytime soon.

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