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I wake up, feeling rough and tired after the events that happened last night. I think Kiera ended up leaving about 1AM. It was good fun though and we had a lot of laughs. It was one of those nights that was very much needed. What I do need right now however is a shower, some Lucozade and Paracetamol.

I'm quite lucky with hangovers. I used to get them bad when I was young but once I turned 24 in April last year, I managed to cope with them well. I stopped drinking about 10pm last night, and just kept drinking the lemonade mixer for my cocktails. I wonder how Kiera is feeling. I'm sure she'll text me when she's up.

After a slow start, I feel a lot more refreshed. My hairs washed and styled, comfy pyjamas back on. I am looking forward to a relaxing day of nothing but a watching a cheeky, noughties movie. I hear my phone buzzing and see Eddie is calling me again. I sigh, place it down on my sofa and then make myself a coffee and grab my eggs from the fridge, ready to make some breakfast. My phone rings again so I drown it out by playing some music on my Alexa.

Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door. It's too polite of a knock to be Artie's, and I like to think Kiera and I are that level of friends, she'd just walk in. Unless it's locked. Probably is. I walk over, unlock and open the door, coming face-to-face with Eddie's smile. 

"Eddie?" I gasp. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Callie." He smiles softly, admiring me. He lets out a sigh. "I found you."

"How did you find me?" I instantly ask, my eyes widening.

"I heard your friend say something about Whiskey Goddess and googled their restaurant. I pretended to be an Uber Eats driver." He laughs, like it's all a big game of hide-and-seek.

The fact he's tried to find me when I specifically told him not to offends me. "Why don't you bloody listen? I don't want to see you, Eddie!" I plead.

"I know but I had to see you." He says, looking at me. "Can I come in?"

"No." I shake my head, stepping out and pulling my door closed. "This is my new life. I'm sorry but I don't want you to part of it. I'm happy Eddie. Please leave."

"You're not happy-"

"I am!" I cannot help but softly side smile and my achievements this week. "I've got a great job I'm starting on Monday, wonderful new friends and independence. Please don't ruin this Eddie." I shake my head.

He sighs and leans towards me. "Please come home, Dear." He frowns.

"No." I answer stubbornly.

"Come on Callie." He rolls his eyes, clearly getting frustrated I'm not doing everything he asks like usual. "You know just as much as I do that in about a months time, it'll hit you. You'll feel lonely and realise what you've missed out on. You'll realise what you've lost."

I roll my eyes this time. "Says who?" I pause whilst we stare at one another. "I'm not leaving here, Eddie. It's my new home and I like it. Let me go."

"I can't." He shakes his head, he looks me head to toe and gives me a small smile. "I always loved that pyjama set on you." He steps closer, but still keeping his distance, and places a hand on my waist.

I remain emotionless whilst I just look on at him, wondering what I should do or say next.

Eddie's hand touches my face and tense up. He leans forward, clearly trying to kiss me but I'm quick enough to move away.

"Eddie!" I call, pushing him back so his back hits the corridor wall opposite mine.

He looks at me shocked like I've just assaulted him. He always tries to play the victim. If we were still together now, he'd play on this, but he knows now is not the time.

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