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I gulp nervously as I stand by my weekend bag outside of Artie's flat. I knocked a minute ago, and heard him hurriedly cry he'll only be a minute. With Joy's permission, I worked from home again today so I could ensure I manage to get off to my Mum's on time. Plus I worked two hours later last night so I could finish earlier today.

The door opens and I'm greeted with something new.

My jaw drops as I meet the eyes of Artie. His beard is combed, trimmed and neatened. His usually wild, curly hair, gelled down and to the right, making him look like the next James Bond.

"Christ, Artie!"

"I know, I know. I wanted to look nice for your parents, okay?"

I smile with amusement and look down at his outfit. He's wearing a thin, long sleeved jumper that holds a deep v-neck, but surrounded by a collar, and on his bottom half, a pair of brown chinos. He accessorised his outfit with a golden chain on his neck, a watch with a white face and black leather strap, and a black belt. Lastly, on his feet, a pair of white trainers. Brand New. He looks good.

"I tried to hide as much tattoos as possible, but it's hard on my neck. Will your mum be okay with it?"

I nod. "You look dashing." I say almost breathlessly.

He grins and visibly relaxes. "Thank you." He leans forward and kisses my cheek before grabbing a brown leather bag and stepping out his flat and pulling the door closed. He locks it and takes my bag for me. "I picked some musical classics for the road."

"Good." I reply and rub my temples. "I need a coffee before we get there so we'll stop there first."

"A coffee?" He chuckles. "It's nearly 4pm! You'll be awake all night."

"I wish it could be something stronger but I doubt my Mum will have that tonight."

"Well, luckily for you," he pulls a small flask from his pocket, "I've come prepared."

I laugh at him and he chuckles back. He places the flask back into his pocket and takes my hand. We walk down to my car.

"Can you drive a car too?" I find myself randomly asking whilst I buckle myself into the seat.

"Yeah. I used to have a Ford Fiesta but I got rid of it last year and got my bike." He replies, buckling himself in too. "I like this colour on you."

I look down at my khaki green jumpsuit. I had to try hard, but make it look like I'm not trying to, in order to please my mother. She'll only just whinge if I don't look perfect. To make it look a little bit more modest, I threw a long sleeved white top underneath. I take a deep breath before starting my engine. "This weekend is about to be torture Baby, I hope you know that."

"You're worth it." He replies as I pull out from my parking space. "Just sit back, relax, and sing your beautiful 'lil heart out to a bit of Kaiser Chiefs." He says, playing Never Miss A Beat through my car speaker.

Thankfully, rush hour traffic was kind. Which is rare, especially for a Friday. Artie even joked there must be a zombie apocalypse going on that we don't know about. Once we've arrived at Mum's, it's 5:48pm. I grip Artie's hand tightly and he looks at me softly.

"It's okay. It's just until tomorrow night. We can manage." He speaks kindly.

I sigh as he leans forward and kisses my forehead. "I'll miss you in my bed tonight." I chuckle.

"I'll miss you more." He replies and gives my hand a squeeze. He takes both our bags in his hand and we walk towards the house. "You grew up here? It's beautiful."

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