15 years of search...

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...And yet nothing. No concrete way to trace down the child, even 15 years after the incident. The leftovers of corpses spread all over the city and its suburb shows no distinct patterns, all kills happen at night so the more powerful heroes avoided and ou young predator seems to have a natural talent for stealth. The only valuable information they have on the child creature is various rumors about a giant beast inhabiting forested areas, with reports of what can be assumed as deer cries.

And it did not take long for the press and media to jump on the affair like vultures on a fresh abandoned corpse. In a matter of month it was all over the journals : "a demon born in Japan", "Another man devoured  by the beast of Musutafu" and the most popular one "is the emerald Wendigo unstoppable ?". If Tsukaushi could give them at least 2 actual useful attribut, its forcing the hero commission to move their a** and get him more ressources  (usually in the form of Eraserhead), and in rare occasions like this one, giving him a bit of new insight. He never heard of a Wendigo before, so he made some research on it and quickly understood why the connection was made. 

First, the appearance was a given. He saw a few representation of the mythical cryptid and while there was not a definitive figure of the beast, most key features were definitely there. The stories were chilling, like every mystical beast created to discourage sins, but there one thing that made his heart ache with pity. The curse of the Wendigo, to be in a perpetual state of famine, living with an endless hunger that will never be satiated. Even worst, the more the individual eat the hungrier he becomes, that combined with the fact that you can only eat human flesh...

Poor, poor child...

YES, child ! In contrary of man people, he refuse to call him a monster or a thing. Yes, what happened at the nursery was... straight out of a horror movie but he was a newborn baby for FS, he didn't even have a chance of being teach what is right or wrong, or to control his power and nature ! And with the knowledge of what a Wendigo is...

However, there is hope for the kid ! How can you be so sure ? Many asks, well it is thanks to one of the many casses of devoured people left behind by the "Emerald Wendigo", one that happen the year before. For the first time, there was a survivor. A 28 years old women had come in the middle of the night in tears telling that her husband had been devoured by the Wendigo. For now it was gonna be one attack like many others, but everyone was taken aback when she tell them that she was there, with her husband ! 


Tsukauchi : Hello Ms Odawa, I am detective Tsukauchi in charge of the Emerald Wendigo affair. Do you feel ready to make this interview with me ?

Ms Odawa : Y-yes *sob* I *sniff* think I can manege.

Tsukauchi : Very well, I will ask you to tell us your story with as much precision you can manege. This is the first time that the Wendigo left a witness behind. We knew it would end up happening, but we did not expect it to be a direct prey left alive and untouched.  

I *sniff* I thought I was a goner th-the moment he laid eyes on me... but... (pause) Excuse m-me for a moment (long breath)   

Tsukauchi : Take your time.

Ms Odawa : We... we just got back from work, me and my husband both are taking care of our own shop in town. We were a bit tight on money so we had to make extra hours, that is why we only got back home around midnight. Strange sounds were coming from our garden near the trashcans, at first we didn't think to much about it. Many neighbors have cats and a few stray come here often since we live in a dead end.


It was at the 6 time that we finally decided to go check. As we got out and sneaked our self towards the trashcans, the sounds were getting louder and more erratic. Then... w-we saw it..... It was on all four scavenging for food, for meat... Then... (pause) He looked at us and said... 

Izuku : Hungry... so... so hungry...

Mr Odawa : Y... you are !

Izuku : Eat... need to eat

Ms Odawa : We... we *sob* were completely paralyzed by fear, and before my husband had time to open his mouth and cry for help, he... *sniff* he... *sniff* got completely shredded into ribbons. *sobs* 

It took 10 minutes of letting her get the stress and emotions go out of her system to continue the interview. While reassuring her, Tsukauchi took the time to acknowledge and process all the informations given to him. *As I was expected, all his kills are only to eat and survive, I don't think there is any bad attention from the kid, just instinct. What a f***ed up curse !             

Tsukauchi : You think you are ready to continue ?

Ms Odawa : (long breath) Yes, yes I can. I was still paralyse by fear and my brain took time to process what just happened. Once I got out of the chock, I fell on my knees and cried in complete despair. Once I did, I heard him stop eating and I could feel his eyes piercing my skull as he walked towards me. I was ready to join my husband in the after life until he spoke again.

Izuku : Sad... ? Why... sad... ?

Ms Odawa : y-you *sobs* killed my husband y-you monster !

Izuku : Sad... because... me... kill ?

Ms Odawa : y-you... *sobs*

Izuku : Kill... make... sad...

kill... because... hungry...

hungry... make... sad ?

Ms Odawa : And just like that, he left ! Without saying a word, he left me there alone with the scattered remains of my husband just in front of me !

Tsukauchi : Thank you Ms Odawa, your testimony in invaluable for the investigation. My colleague will bring you back to the reception so you can sign your testimony.

Sansa : This way miss.


I Remember this day like it was tomorrow, and since then the killing significantly dropped down to 2 single victim a week. I talked about all of this to Aizawa and he agreed with me that the kid should be taken care of ad not imprisoned or worse. But there is long way there...

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now