A new Horizon

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Tsukauchi, EraseHead, All Might and Nedzu were all reunited in to observation room, behind the one way mirror separating it from the interrogation room. They were about to conduct the first interview ever with the infamous Emerald Wendigo, chained in the other side of the mirror. This interrogation room was a specialized one made to deal with powerful criminals or big mutation types of quirks, which was obviously needed with this case.

Izuku had both his hands and ankles cuffed in strong quirk suppressor cuffs who were them self heavily chained to the floor, he kept himself tall, towering over a metal table, looking down at the chair on the other side, from the top of his 8 meters (26.2 feets) of height. Two automated turrets loaded with tranquilizer bullets were ready to shoot at any time and finally, he was also equipped with a 200 volts shock collar.    

Nedzu : So... here it is, the famous Emerald Wendigo. Really impressive indeed ! Quirks being this faithful to folklore's mythes are extremely rare, how awful that this one comes with such a heavy drawback.  

Tsukauchi : Yeah... I wish eternal famine for no one, not even my worst enemies. At least he killed his mother before he even had the time to know her. If you can even call that a good thing...

Aizawa : The question now is what are gonna do with him ? We're not gonna put him in jail for something he cannot control, put making him a hero would be suicide for UA's reputation. You all saw how those journalist vultures are already at our throats.

Nedzu : I wouldn't be too worry about that, after all it would be a perfect opportunity to test our brand new rehabilitation program for vilains, and with All Might as one of our new teachers for the school, a good word from him and the world will mindlessly follow.

All Might : Good idea ! I can promote the program as a new (impossible) form of challenge for me to overcome, and show to the world that Vilains can be reformed.

Aizawa : grmmbbl... like Mic was not already enough for me... now I'll have to deal with another loud blond...

Tsukauchi : Well... Whatever your planning to do, we still have to evaluate his mental health and situation. I'm going in, who wants to come with me ?

Nedzu : I will ! There is a few questions and intellectual tests I would like to make, so I can plan out a few things first. After all, our Wendigo friend here will obviously need great help to have his mind and thinking process more human like. No needs to tell remind you all why I'm the most qualified for this.  

Tsukauchi : Right... Anybody else want to join ?

Aizawa : No, and it would a bad idea to bring a third person in. If you really want to talk with him at least, I had a few case of abandoned children in the streets who had no social knowledge and 2 people seems to always be the limit. And I do not wish to reach his limits.

Tsukauchi : Then it's settled then. Let's go !

Both the detective and principal of UA exited the observation room to get their interview down. They passed a few officers who looked at them with a worried look on their face, but Tsukauchi gave him a severe look to remind them of their work. They took a deep breath right before entering the door. Once they got inside, they saw that Izuku already had his eyes on them, surely his sense of smell made him aware of their presence before they even entered. 

Nedzu : Greetings, Emerald Wendigo ! Or maybe Izuku Midoryia ? Its your original name after all, which one do you prefer ?

Izuku : my... name... ?

Tsukauchi : Yes, it was the name given to you by your mother at birth. I suppose you don't have any memories of that event either ?

Izuku : mother... ? birth... ? *gets flashes of the event* yes... awake... then hunger... first hunt... was... so hungry...

Tsukauchi : Yes, we know about your conditions. We are making this interview to confirm that you had no bad intentions, do you understand what it means ?  

Izuku : bad... intentions... ? Just hungry... had to... feed... (true)

Nedzu : Tell me Izuku, do you remember the hunt that made you changed ? When a lady cried because you killed her husband ?

Izuku : ... yes...

Nedzu : Can you tell me what happened exactly ? What did this event do to you ?

Izuku : ... pain... inside me... her cries... hurt me... inside... scared... (true)

Nedzu : I see... her sadness made you feel empathy towards her and you got scared because you didn't know what it was.  

Tsukauchi : So, this is why hunted far less. Because you didn't want to experience it again, right?

Izuku : ... yes... (true)

Tsukauchi : What about the incident where you saved someone the the first time ? Do you remember ? It was a young girl with wires coming out of her ears, she was about to be abused by 3 low street tugs. One of them had a reptilian mutation if I remember correctly. 

Izuku : ... yes... her cries... got me... to them... wanted... to eat... all of them... even... her... (true)

Nedzu : But you didn't. What happened ?

Izuku : she... thanked me... confused... left her... she... was happy ? felt good... inside... warm... wanted to... experience again... (true)

Both the detective and the principal looked at each other, they were reveled to see that they were right about the kid. Nedzu beamed at this turn of event which got both Aizawa and All Might to shudder a bit in the observation room.

Nedzu : Tell me Izuku, how did you learn to speak and understand Japanese ? I doubt anybody had the chance to teach you.

Izuku : Observation... ability... to mimic... started... with animals... then humans... to trick... then spied... children learning... in... big building...

Tsukauchi :Thank you, young Midoryia. This concludes this interview, we will come back in a few hours to talk about your futur, alright ?

Izuku : food ? hungry... really hungry...

Tsukauchi : I'll see what I can do, goodbye Midoryia. 

Nedzu : Goodbye Izuku ! Do not worry, Now I know that I have a good futur planned for you.

They both exited to interrogation room with a sight from Tsukauchi, the all ordeal seems to be going far better than they hopped for.

Tsukauchi : Well... That is a relief like I want to have everyday at work. So, you're sure you can take on the media with that ?

Nedzu : Like I said before, a good few words from All Might and everything will be okay. No... *E-mail alert* it's not them I'm worried about (he says as he looked to mail he just got)

Deer Nedzu,

It as come to our attention that you've manege to get your hands  infamous Emerald Wendigo, who is for now under police custody. This particular affair picked our interest and as such, we require from you a complete report about the situation the affair and creature are in. Do not fail to give me this report ! Sincerely,

the HPSC President. 

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now