A lesson learned

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All the other students from 1-A rushed outside the observation room to see both of their class powerhouses be escorted in the infirmary on stretchers, they were particularly worried about Todoroki who took a car in the face. Now they were even more terrified of the Wendigo after seeing him not only completely dominating the strongest students of their class but also used quite the brutal moves on  them.

All Might : Do not worry to much about young Todoroki, this car was not a real one and was far lighter than a real one !  

Mineta : Th-that was attempted murder ! I'm not going to train against a murderer !

All Might : Young Midoryia was originally planing to use the car for something else but once he realized its true weight he used it as a weapon.

Denki : Isn't that still a bit too much ?

Aizawa : What do you mean too much ? You think that In a real life situation, a vilain will restrain himself from throwing a car at you ? You think they will care for your well being ?

Denki : N-no but...

Aizawa : Then stop complaining. You have chosen professional heroism as your futur job, on of the most dangerous profession in the world. Pros dies on a daily basis at work, its not all shine and rainbows like you see on television when All Might save the day and its time you all realize that. 

All Might : Eraser is right young students, when you will be on the field you are gonna fight against opponents that have no rules and no imposed limits. Vilains will use the dirtiest of tactics to have their way and hold no care for anyone but themselves. The sooner you are prepared for this, the better.

Uraraka : But its just our first year, we're not even a week in !

Aizawa : That is why it was not a real car, if you had been in your second or third year it would have been the real thing... What ? What did you expect ? UA is the best hero school in Japan for a reason kids, when we say "go plus ultra" its not just for you but for us as well. Know this problem children, we will send you in the hospital as much as we need to prevent any of you to end up in a morgue.

Momo : Thank you sir, we... understand know.

Aizawa : You better... Now, does any of you still has complains about how we work here ? If so, Nedzu will be more than happy to find you another school to be transferred at.

Everyone was sweating profusely, but were now to scared to complain as they didn't want to leave UA.

Denki : N-no sir...

All Might : Very well then, group B you can go ahead ! As for the rest of you, get back to the observation room with us !


And so the exercice simulation continued like nothing happened. After almost an hour the whole class was done and as expected all failed against Izuku, here is the groups and how all students ended their adventure : 

Group B composed of Iida and Uraraka

- Iida fell into a trap Izuku had made. He used some of the street power lines to makeshift a tripwire and broke any light sources nearby. Iida being to fast and seeing nothing tripped on the wire and got swiftly knocked out by Izuku afterward.

- Izuku took some time to analyse Uraraka and found out about her quirk. So he put a lot of heavy stuff into a room containing a bomb and blocked the only way out once she made them float, turning her own quirk against her.

Group C composed of Aoyama and Tsuyu

- Izuku called out Aoyama from the shadow and told him he was ugly to make him attack. The boy was as easy to figure out as his quirk, so Aoyama fell for it and was rewarded by a mirror reflecting his laser back at him. 

- Since Tsuyu seemed more intelligent than the rest, Izuku dropped the bomb that was near a swimming pool inside it to give her a false sense of confort. Once she got in he used a power line to electrocute her. 

Group D composed of Koda and Tokoyami

- Koda was an easy pray as he used his animals for scooting the area. One bomb being in a little forest he hided here and mimicked Koda's companions to lure the boy right to him.

- Tokoyami was constantly on guard which was good for him, but he shouldn't have kept Dark Shadow out, as it allowed Izuku to see how the quirk was dodging street lights like the pest. With this new information he ambushed the birb kid after flashing him with a powerful projector.

Group E composed of Jiro and Mina

- Jiro was very tricky with her quirk working as a sonar and Izuku didn't want to hurt her too bad as he remembered their first encounter. However, Midoryia was already an expert at making no sounds and her sensitivity to his high pitch cries also marked him. So...

- Mina was a dangerous threat with her acid and could render ways to access her unusable by rendering doors or corridors acid. Unfortunately for a girl being a fan of the alien post quirk movies, she did not thought about checking the false ceiling above her.

Group F composed of Ojiro and Denki

- Ojiro was instantly recognized as a force to be reckoned with, it was clear that a direct battle could be troublesome and Izuku had to keep energy for the next groups. Fortunately this foe was here to fight head on so baiting him into a building was easy, using a surprise attack from behind Izuku stepped on his tail before anything happened and quickly took care of him.  

- Denki was radiating fear so with a few scare here and there, it was pathetically easy to make the boy use his special move in panic, rendering him useless and easy to take down with a good old slap.

Group G composed of Kirishima and Sato

- Dealing with Kirishima was all about getting rid of him quickly while his quirk was deactivated. It would have been bad to discover this the hard way, but him and his college had the great idea to start with a demonstration of their quirk. Imitating a stray cat with a good camouflage made his guard drop, you know what happened next... 

- Since Sato made a demonstration of his quirk, Izuku waited for his quirk to go off, quickly stole his utility belt where his sugar was and proceed to beat him up.

Group H composed of Shoji and Sero

- Shoji told Sero that he found a bomb at the top floor of a building with his tentacle eye, both decided to enter together and Sero used his tape to put a trap on both entrances. However, Izuku was already inside so once both of they disarmed the bomb and checked if the traps had been disabled, Midoryia shoved them into their own traps.    

Group I composed of Mineta paired with Toru and Momo

- Toru's invisibility was very good, but it did not protect her from Izuku's enhanced smell. She separated from the group thinking she could be alone.

- Momo would have been by far the most dangerous opponent for Izuku, unfortunately for her she was paired with Mineta who did not gave her 5 minutes to calm down and plan anything. Midoryia used this at his advantage, quickly took care of the purple Midget and used him as a body shield to get to Momo, who was no match for Izuku's size and brute strenght. 


All Might : All right everyone, that is all for today ! Do not feel to bad for loosing against young Midoryia who as passed his entire life on the field. Use this exercice to learn and force yourselves to go plus ultra !

Aizawa : And remember the most important lesson taught to you today : be too confident in your quirk, and it will be turned against you.

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now