A new set of... Morals ?

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Month  passed, and Izuku was still far from being apprehended. He did not have a preference in prey or any kind of patterns to guide him, only his instincts which made him quite impossible to track down. Combined with incredible stealth habilites despise his imposent size of now 2,9 m (9,51 foots) and enhanced senses, it was nearly impossible to follow him, if you even manege to see him, that is. 

As he wondered in the city, moving in the shadows of building and deserted streets, covered by the darkness of the night, he tried to handle the fragments of memory plaguing his mind while he was out there hunting for food. The faithful event with the married couple marked him for reasons still unknown and incomprehensible for him. He killed many of preys before the eyes of an other, he saw the same set of emotions in their eyes and on their face each time, mostly fear and anger depending on their quirks. It never bothered him before, they were preys and he was a predator with an endless hunger, this how nature is after all ? 

But this time, when he saw the other female human consumed by sorrow and grief... well... he felt his stomach contort, and not by hunger ! He was confused, it was a visceral reaction from his body to such display of emotions and he hated it ! He tried to understand, he asked her if all of this really came from what he did, from what he always did. Once he got the confirmation he needed he left. Since the incident he made everything in his power to never find himself in the same situation again, he even drastically reduced his meals to 2 per week to have as less occasions as possible to experience it again.

It was hard for him, his constant hunger made it difficult to endure and was frantically looking for an alternative. Thankfully for him, he finally found a way to avoid the problem and going back to his usual diet of 1 prey a day. He wondered why so many of them hated him for what he did. Maybe those humans will learn one day that there is no morals when you are a predator.

It's an uneventful night like most others, he was hunting in a suburbain area where most of the humans living there were already fast asleep so he had little to no risks of being disturbed while he feast. However, he will not be the one disturbing the peace tonight as cries of help came from a dark alley, reverberating faintly in the rest of the neighbor bout load enough to be catche by his sharp earring. He swiftly and silently directed and climbed himself to the top of a house giving him a good view of what was happening in the dark alley were the disturbance came from. 

3 men with blades produced by their quirks as they emerged from different parts of their bodies were cornering a young girl who seems to be around her late 15 with a short stature, purple hairs and weird strings of flesh that came from her earlobes. She was obviously scared and... angry ? For now he didn't care as for him it was just 4 preys instead of 1.

Thug 1 : Well, little dude ? we don't have all day !

Thug 2 : Give us your fu***ng money already ! And your phone too, before we cut you into peaces.

Young Girl : I... I am not a man, you stupid degenerates ! N...now leave me alone !

Thug 3 : OH ! So you're al little cutie, hum ? In that case we're gonna have a bit of fun with you...

Young Girl : W...What ? No ! Get away from me you disgusting pigs !

Thug 2 : What did you just call us, you little b**ch ?

Thug 1 : Looks like someone needs to be teached some manners you fu***ng whore !

Thug 3 : LET'S GET HER !

They got them self ready to ponce on her when suddenly the silence of the night got reaped apart by a terrifying cry.

(choose the one you like the most, personally I love the first one !)

All 3 of the thugs and the girl got completely paralyzed by fear as they knew it came from just above them, they tried to move for an escape but they literally found them self frozen in place, their feet encapsulated in thin ice and completely blue form frostbite.

Thug 2 : What... was... that ?


Thug 1 : Do... do not taunt him y...you stupid F**k !

A law growl came from just above their head and they hear water... splattering behind them ? They slowly brace enough courage to look at the floor behind them to piss them self realizing that it was a small pond of saliva standing there. As they sow another drop of hit falling in it, they looked slowly up to see the massive Emerald Wendigo looking straight at them from a small apartment balcony. 

They didn't even have the time to open their mouth and scream before Izuku had already pond on them and ripped them to shreds. In a matter of seconds there was nothing left of them but their clothes and a few bones, Izuku slowly put himself back up, towering over what was left of his preys, and the last one still alive. He saw fear on her face and in her eyes like he expected, but what he was surprised by, was that she looked confused and... happy ?

young girl : Y... you didn't kill me ? Y... You actually saved me ?!

Izuku was quite confused by this statement, save her ? He never thought about helping someone, it did happened once or twice but purely by accident. They other preys simply got away before he had a chance to become their next main problem. He tilt his deer skull head on the right like a dog would when curious. 

Jirou : I... I am Jirou Kyouka, thank you for s...saving me aven though I...am not found of your methods.

Izuku was lost for words... he... slightly nod in affirmation and proceed to climb back up the houses to crawl back into the shadows of the night. Humans really hard to understand... But it doesn't matter, now he was quite happy himself as he not only found a solution around his problem, but in a way tho could also bring him joy !

It looks like positive emotions are viral too, like sadness. Add its a far better experience !

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now