♡nightmare comfort♡

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Panic attacks

No ones pov-

You were asleep next to Dabi when you started to cry in your sleep. He looks over at you and gets slightly worried. Your breathing gets heavy and you started moving around frantically while sleeping. Suddenly you bolt up drenched in sweat and face full of tears.

"Hey are you alright?" Dabi questions worried. You shake your head no and bring your knees to you chest. Your face felt hot from all of the crying a d you felt like you couldn't breathe. You had a horrible dream about the night Dabi took you. You realized how scared of him you were.

Dabi reached his hand to comfort you but you flinched away. This concerned him so he tried to came closer but you ended up backing away in fear. What did you dream about? the raven haired man wondered.

"Whats wrong sweetness?" He questioned you but didn't receive an answer. You looked away from him and started hyperventilating. You keep remembering what situation your in. You keep realizing how terrifying this is. You've been kidnapped by a famous villain and theirs nothing you can do about it.

He reached to push your hair out of your face but you slapped his hand away. Usually he would be mad but he knew you didn't mean it. You started freaking out more and your hands banged again your knees and the light from the tv felt like it was screaming at you. Every little noise felt so loud. 

"Baby please let me try to help" he tried to reason with you but it was like you couldn't hear him. Dabi had no idea what to do or how to help you. He decided his best option would to let you calm down for a while. He looks at you and frowns. He wishes he could help more. 

Dabi gets up and turns off the tv and goes to the kitchen area down the hall. He grabs some water and puts it in a sippy cup for you. He walks around frantically looking for things to help calm you down. He grabs a paci and a stuffie to bring to you. He sit on the bed as carefully as he could. You flinched at the movement.

He sets the stuff he got infront of you and waited for you to grab something. It was thirty minutes later before you started to calm down. You grabbed your plushie and paci. You had finally stopped having your panic attack but you still felt very scared. You sucked on the paci trying to feel comforted from it, but it didn't work as well as you would have hoped.

After a few minutes Dabi grabbed you and put you in his lap. Surprisingly you didn't react to this at all and just continued to suck on your paci and cuddle your stuffed animal. When you were sitting in his lap you felt weirdly comfortable. You felt more comfortable than you thought you should have.

"Shh your ok now baby, ill make sure its all ok" he says holding you to his chest. You don't really know how you should feel about this. Maybe scared? Or upset? No you didn't feel anything like that. You felt at peace. You felt comforted by him. The way he gently held you and talked so softly with you.

Eventually you fell asleep and this time you didn't have any nightmares. You felt warm and safe in his arms. You didn't know why he made you feel this way, but you won't worry about it for right now. Maybe you'll be ok here after all.

My Pretty Pet ( Dabi X Little Reader)Where stories live. Discover now