❀ 08.Lost Love ❀

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Toya's pov

A few days have past, and I haven't heard from Akito for a while over phone...he even seems more distant at school now. I wonder if something is bothering him.

I look around for An and find her in the gym once again, but without Akito.

"An, there you are." I say as I approach her.

"Oh Toya! Have you asked him yet?" An asks.

"Not yet...have you noticed that Akito hasn't been himself lately?" I respond.

"Now that you mention it, he has. I wonder what's up his ass." An giggles.

"But what if it's something serious, I hope he's okay." I say with a more serious tone.

"Well, you won't know what's wrong until you ask, you and him walk together after school right? Ask him then." An suggests giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll try. Thank you, An." I smile walking off.


I meet up with Akito by the gate and we start walking to my house. It's silent, the only noise that can be heard is our steps.

"So umm...how was your day?" I say trying to start up the conversation.

"Alright." He responds shortly.

"Is something bothering you?" I ask genuinely concerned.

He doesn't say anything for a little bit, he stares at the ground with his head down.

"I'm fine." Akito answers.

"You don't seem fine, Akito if something is bothering you, you can tell me." I speak in a calm and reassuring voice.

"Do you...like An?" He asks looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Do I like An? What makes you say that?" I say taken by surprise.

"I overheard your conversation with her in the gym a few days again...I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped, but I let my curiosity win, I'm sorry." He apologies.

"Y-You overheard our conversation...how much did you hear?!"

"I only heard you say that you liked her, is that true?" He asks again.

"No of course not, she's dating Kohane." I respond.

"Then why did you say you liked her?" He questions looking straight at me.

"Because she was helping me out, she was pretending to be the person I...like." I say starting to get embarrassed.

"Who do you like?" He asks.

You obviously. "I uhh prefer not to say, sorry." I reply.

"Oh, no it's alright, I shouldn't have pushed it." He sighs looking back at the ground once again.


"So, umm...the summer festival is around the corner, right? An told me her and Kohane are going on a date there." I state trying to make sure this conversation doesn't die.

"I have a feeling there will be a lot of couples there this year." He scoffs. "Ena is definitely going, she hasn't stopped talking about it."




Akito looks up and gives me a soft smile. "Hey...would you like to uhh- go to the summer festival with me?"



"To the summer festival...with you?" I repeat.

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