3 | Deep Down

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Doug and Bella were chatting when Evie comes up to them to show Doug what she got on her test. "Also, B, you were right. Chad is not worth it." Evie sits down at the table with them.

"What made you realize that?" Bella laughs.

"He gave the teacher her magic mirror and was going to expel Evie. But she passed her test without it." Doug says so Evie shows Bella what she got.

"Good for you. Now, excuse me. I have to go find my mother because she wanted to talk to me." Bella gets up walking up but Mal grabs her arm dragging her back towards Evie.

"Ben just asked me out on... a date." Mal tells her.

"So why did you grab me?" Bella asks confused.

"Because he's you're brother. And you need to help me too." Mal looks at her.

"I need to?" Bella laughs then gets dragged by her as she and Evie walk together.

In the girls room, Bella just kinda watched Evie help Mal out for the date. And listen to their conversation, Bella felt for the girls hearing about their relationships with their mothers.

"There anything I need to know about Ben?" Mal turns to Bella.

"A bit childish at times so don't be surprised if he pulls a little something." Bella tells her as there was a knock at the door so Mal opens it to show Ben.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." He tells her making Bella cover her mouth from busting out in giggles. "I hope you like bikes."

"Have fun you kids!" Bella smiles as they leave and Evie closes the door. "I can't fully relate to you guys with your parents but I sorta can at the same time." Bella speaks up to Evie.

Evie turns to look at her, "How so?" She goes to sit with her.

"I'm scared of my parents at times. I don't want to disappoint them, but what they want from me isn't what I want. Then they hold Ben to these expectations, and I know that they want me to follow them too at some point." Bella looks down at her hands, "Every single day I have to hear; you should be more ladylike and wear a dress. You're the Princess of Auradon act like it." Bella laughs at herself, "I didn't choose to be that. I just want to be myself. Not this princess everyone wants me to be. And I for sure don't want to depend on a stupid Prince."

"Shouldn't your mother kind of understand that? If I remember her story correctly." Evie tilts her head.

"Yeah, you would think that but no. It's; you'll find your Prince and you'll understand, my dear. You just have to give it time." Bella mocks her mother, "She fails to see I'm exactly like she was before she got with my dad."

"Yeah, hopefully she will see that soon." Evie smiles, "You're parents should just let you be you."

"Evie, maybe you should repeat that last part to yourself in the mirror. I know for Mal it's a little different because of who her mother is. Just be yourself too." Bella gets up heading for the door, "Hopefully you four realizes doing what your parents isn't what you really want." She adds before leaving the room.

While Bella was in her room, Ben knocks before walking in, "Hey, hey." He smiles walking in.

"How was your date?"

"Good, little picnic. Found out Mal can't swim." He chuckles.

"Swim? Did you go to the enchanted lake?" Bella sits up all the way, "And?"

"Yeah, and I'm still have feelings for Mal. And seeing your reaction you know she spelled me?"

"I had this guess once you sang to her in front of the whole school. I was just glad Audrey was out of the picture." Bella says being truthful with him.

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