7 | The Opposite

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The next morning Bella was looking out at the water from the ship, "Why did you take a little field trip here?" Harry walks over to her side.

"Fight with my mom." Bella laughs, "Yeah, princesses fight with their parents too." She looks at him.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Harry looks ah her.

"It's just I don't want what's planned for me. Date a Prince, who I don't have anything in common with or like, then marry that Prince. I need to act more like a princess, I need to wear a dress, and I need to do more things to be responsible." She explains to him, "I told her I thought she of all people would understand not wanted to marry Gaston. She didn't want what others wanted but she does that to me." She says as Uma listens to her from a distance.

"And her response?" Harry asks.

"She was just an an ordinary girl then but because of them I'm the Princess of Auradon. That's what's different. And I told her I don't want to be just that." Bella closes her eyes, "When the four first moved over there I told Evie I related to them wanting to not disappoint my parents. I finally tell my mother how I feel and she doesn't care. Why am I telling you all this?" Bella laughs at herself.

"I asked you."

Bella just looks at him, "And why did you ask me? Does a Villain really care about a Princess's problems?" She laughs, "Plus after all it's my father's fault this island is a prison for you guys. I always knew it was bad here, but being here and seeing it really is showed me just how worse it is. I completely understand why you guys are the way you are. Life is so easy for me with everything just there, and you guys have to steal for it."

"Well, you're a odd princess."

"Here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover that it's him to chapter three." Uma says walking past them seeing how they look at each other.

Bella leaves Harry's side to go talk to Uma, "Since you were ease dropping, do you have anything you'll like to add?"

"It's funny how you're like your mom before meeting the beast. You want an adventure. You don't want what's planned out for you. You don't wanna marry someone. And you like the opposite." Uma looks at her.

"Like the opposite?" Bella says confused so Uma looks over at Harry.

"He's no Prince Charming is that what it is for you?"

Bella starts to laugh, "What makes you think that? I just met him yesterday."

Uma doesn't say anything but walks away so Bella goes over to Ben, "People are miserable here. You have to change things here when we get back home. It's unfair how they are treated."

"Coochy-coochy coo." Harry jumps down to mess with Ben. "How's it feel to be the king now, eh?" Harry asks but Ben stays quiet.

"Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We don't want damage goods." Uma tells him.

"You said that I could hook him."

"She said at noon." Bella says standing next to her brother.

"Twenty more minutes." Harry shows Ben a pocket watch.

"That says 11:30." Ben says making Bella laugh at Harry.

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through." Uma tells Ben.

"But she's not my girlfriend anymore." Ben tells her.

"That's my cue to leave." Bella walks off some while Uma tells Harry to leave them alone.

"Nineteen minutes to go now." Harry tells Ben.

"Still incorrect, Harry." Bella looks back at him, "Twenty nine minutes to go." She laughs at him. "You really can't tell time?"

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