: 5 : The Meet Up

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Hoseok pov:

It's Sunday today. I was supposed to sleep more, but the excitement didn't helped a bit. I woke up early in the morning or to say i didn't slept the whole night.

Now, I'm walking here and there out of my nervousness. In ten minutes i have to leave for the cafe he told me to meet at, still i haven't thought about how I would react after seeing him.

His mom: You ready honey?

Mom came in my room out of nowhere, making me jump out of my imagination.

Hoseok: Mom, someday you'll give me heart attack.

His mom: Sorry honey, but i see huh!

Hoseok: See what?

His mom: Someone's getting excited to see his partner!

Mom hit me with her elbow, and i felt my face heating up. I slightly pushed her aside, being embarrassed!

Hoseok: It's not like that mom!

His mom: I know how it is like! If you're ready, come downstairs! Driver is waiting for you to take you there!

Hoseok: I'm ready!

His mom: Then what are you waiting for? Go!

I run downstairs and jumped in the car. The whole ride was awkward. Thinking how it will be to meet your future husband, how he will react when he would saw me? And something just like this.

I reach there. It was just a simple public cafe. 'Does he like simple things?' i thought and went inside.

A table was already booked for us by the window. It was such a nice view outside. I ordered mint chocolate icecream for myself, as he isn't here.

I was deep in my thoughts while eating my icecream, when someone come and sit across me. I took a bite of my icecream when i looked up. I couldn't believe enough on my eyes.

This man infront of me, is looking like he came straight out of any webtoon or kdrama. The glasses in his face is giving me a rich ass ceo vibe.

He's wearing white tshirt with black shirt and black jeans unlike me who's wearing pink tshirt with blue jeans and white bucket hat, with a colourful backpack. We're looking total opposites of each other.

???: You must be Hoseok, I'm Min Yoongi.

When i heard his name, i chocked on my icecream. He passed me a glass of water and I drink it all in one go. His face looks so cold but his eyes shows comfort and eternal calmness. Like he can be calm in the most disastrous situation.

He ordered black coffee for himself. It was an awkward silence between us. He kept on sipping on his coffee and i kept on eating my icecream. Both of us didn't know what to talk about. I decided to break this silence.

Hoseok: Are you happy with this marriage?

Yoongi: I wasn't supposed to be in any relationship but i can't deny my perents decision.

Hoseok: So, is this a yes?

Yoongi: (in cold voice) Probably! What about you? Are you happy with this?

Hoseok: Yeah, maybe!

Yoongi: Why you want this marriage to happen?

Hoseok: My father, he did everything for me. Now he wants something from me for the first time, so i couldn't denied that.

Yoongi: Hmm! I heard you work in a company. Why you choose to work in other company when your father's company is bigger than that?

Hoseok: I lived on my father's money and fame all my student life. I want to do something else for myself so i did this.

Yoongi: You want to continue working after marriage?

Hoseok: Yes please! I don't want to sit inside house the whole day doing nothing.

Yoongi: It's completely upto you.

Hoseok: Uhh- I want you to know something.

Yoongi: hmm.

Hoseok: I don't know how to cook!

Yoongi: Don't worry! I like to cook my food myself. I'll make for you too.

Hoseok: Thank you. And one more thing.

Yoongi: (calm yet cold) What is it?

Hoseok: I might took some time to adjust with you.

Yoongi: I was about to say that too.

Hoseok: You don't think taking time in a relationship is bad?

Yoongi: Basically, taking your time in a relationship is not bad. We have our whole life ahead to live together. So, it's good if we take time to understand and adjust with each other.

Hoseok: (thinks) So thoughtful!

Yoongi: Anything else you've got to ask?

Hoseok: No.

Yoongi nodded and take a sip of his coffee. Then Jin hyung's sentence came in my mind that show him who you really are.

Hoseok: Are you done with your coffee?

Yoongi: Yeah.

Hoseok: (excitedly) Let's go on shopping!

Yoongi: Why?

Hoseok: It's been a while since i bought something for myself. Come with me and I'll buy you something with my own money.

Yoongi: Ok.

We left the cafe and went to the shopping mall which was near it. It was so fun shopping with him. He liked all the things i showed him. I bought so many things for myself and him.

He also dropped me off to my house. I directly went inside my room and throw myself on the bed. Thats when my mom come inside.

His mom: So, how it went? How is he do you like him?

Hoseok: (excitedly) Mom, he's brilliant, calm, soft at the same time. I liked him so much!

His mom: Is this a yes!?

Hoseok: Ofc!

His mom: Then let me give this good news to your dad! Thanks Hoseok.

Hoseok: It's ok mom.

She went out and i again dropped myself on my bed. I didn't knew that he would be this understanding. I was so tired that i unknowingly fell asleep.

-: To be continued :-

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