Chapter 11

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I felt the heat burning on my arms and my legs are surrounded by long legs, as I open my lazy eyes I saw my best friend embracing me tight.

Last night was fun, I got my best friend back though he reveals that Alya and him are done and I well... I met my first crush or love or whatsoever again!

He always see me as his best friend so let it be the way it is. I know we crossed the limit but it wasn't any of our fault we both were drunk. Yeah I'm angry on him because he chose to run away the next day but As now I'm trying to move on with Maddy let's just forget the past.

But the most confusing part was why the hell Manik asked me about my feelings! Why now? I'm totally confused about this but I need to be fair.

Maddy taught me to forget my feelings about Manik and well actually not totally but I do really need to forget my feelings for him?

I unwrapped myself from his embrace put unfortunately he hugged me tighter.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?" I snap.

"Hmmm... I just miss the old days where you and I used to do this" he mumbled.

"GET UP! I'm hungry" I muttered.

He slowly releases me and cocooned to my side, I was again able to see his perfect face.

"Amuse by my face bestie?" he snaps.

"Amuse yourself! Get up now; We need to be ready for tonight!" I shouted.

He quickly gets up and pouted, why he's so cute while doing that kind of face dance.

"What's the time?" he asks.

I look at my clock on my bedside table and holy shit! It's already 6 in the afternoon! We only got 3 hours to prepare.

"We over slept!" I mouth.

He frowns and gazes to my clock, and then I giggle looking his pale face.

"Why so pale Manik?" I tease.

"Shut up you shorty! We really do overslept! I must go home and prepare my stuff, see you this evening" before I could response, his nowhere in sight!

That really was fast. I decided to walk to my bathroom and take a quick
shower and by means of quick just 10 minutes shower. As the water soothe in my body I snap back about the revelation last night about Manik
and Alya. Why so sudden? Why now? Now, that I already ugh! How frustrating, maybe this is the
sign that Manik and I are just best friends and no more! I finished my bath and quickly put on my black
jeans and white shirt. I Looked at the mirror and I saw the innocent happy girl back then. People do change, especially me.

I put some lip gloss and eye liner then I'm done. I'll wear a pair of high-cut
black converse shoes. Now It's perfect, I'm like a rock-star that so afraid to sing in front of people. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I mutter. The door open and Maddy is standing there.

"Good morning" he says shyly.

"Good morning" I turned around to look at him and give him a bear hug.

"How's your sleep?"

"Well, I have this weird dream though" he raises his hand towards his cheek.

"What kind of weird dream?" I look at him quizzically.

"Well, in my dream you told me that you love me. lt's just a dream right?" he pouted.

Oh! Now, he's playing games with me. I roll my eyes and giggle. He's really crazy!

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