🏡Welcome Home🏡

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Im currently at home, sitting on the sofa watching some f/s. I normally watch it with y/n so that we're both on the same episode...but last night i fell asleep through the middle of it and y/n didn't notice I was asleep until 2 episodes later! So now I'm here, watching those 2 episodes so that I'm all caught up.

Y/n has overtime at work today, so i finished about 2 hours ago, it's now 8:36pm. I mean yeah, it's nice to have some alone time every now and again but I miss y/n already! "Ughhh y/n should be finished soon... why cant she js be here already?!—" i slump myself into the sofa and whine.
Coincidentally as if the universe heard my cries, I hear the front door unlock. My eyes widen and my ears perk up like a dog who's been waiting for it's owner to come home all day.

I sigh as I struggle to open the door with my keys, it's pretty cold outside and I didn't bring a coat either since it WAS nice and cool in the morning but as night came it became chilly, how inconvenient. I had over time at work today and so I'm absolutely exhausted! Don't get me wrong, I love what I do for work, but today it really took me out! I had to do alot of extra work today and to be honest, all I wanna do really do right now is get into my warm and snug home with my all so loving and comfy boyfriend.

I open the door and attempt to step inside, but before I could even move an inch further I feel somebody hug me as if they were trying to tackle me! "Welcome home y/n!~" c/n says enthusiastically while hugging me tight. "Ah!- Awe thank you c/n." I say softly, but also drowsy.

C/n lightly pushes himself away from me, now my arms are around his waist and his hand on my shoulders. Gosh, every time I look at him I can't help but get butterflies. Like I'm crushing all over again. We both look into each other's eyes, I can't help but smile due to his cheerfully warm look, it's like the sun's melting me. He looks at me with a little worried expression on his face "c/n/n? What is it?" I say confused as i tilt my head.

But my focus diverts as I hear people speaking on the tv, I immediately recognise it's f/s! "Hey! Are you watching f/s? Without me?!!" I say with now a stern tone. "Oh! Yeah I am heh...don't worry tho! I wanted to catch up since somebody only just realised I fell asleep 2 episodes later." he looks at me, playfully annoyed soon followed by a cute little chuckle. I chuckle back as my tiredness caught up with me again as I yawn and my eyes droop a bit.

I notice y/n's fatigued figure. I softly let go of y/n and grab her by the hand, dragging her to the front room "hm? What is it?" y/n says a little confused but too tired to question further.

I bring y/n to the front room, infront of the sofa. She looks so tired, poor thing she must've worked her hard today I think to myself. I sigh and let out a little smile. She looks cute when she's tired like that. I softly let go of y/n's hand and she doesn't cause a fuss, but just watches me as I pick up the TV remote and turn off the tv, dim the lights and turn on the fire place.

I then lay down on the sofa with my head propped up agains the arm. Y/n now looking quite confused I reached out to her with both hands and a sweet smile plastered on my face. Signalling for her to come and cuddle with me.

My eyes light up, now understanding what c/n wants me to do. I lay down on top of him, both of us now cuddling making me let out a nice sigh. "Thank you, c/n" I mumble into his chest in a pleased and worn out tone. c/n sighs and says back confidently "You're welcome n/n, I know you're tired so just rest alright?" sigh he's just so thoughtful. I'm so lucky to have found a boyfriend like him.  C/n's playing with my hair with one hand and the around my waist making little circles at my waist.

"...well...since I'm not actually that tired yet..how about I tell u some things. Is that alright with you?" He speaks in his calm and soft voice. His voice...it's so goddamn soothing to listen to, I'm not too much the type to listen to broadcasts but I would definitely listen to every single episode if he made one. His voice is kinda like ASMR for me sometimes. "Mhm" I mumbled in agreement.

"sigh you're so cute you know? Don't even deny it because it's true! soft chuckle and you're so soft and enjoyable to hug~ why? Well because of right now, you're as if I'm hugging a little marshmallow yk?. Every time I see you , you make me happier even when I'm down- Jeez I sound so cliche right now." He chuckles and just sighs staying silent for 10 seconds. As he continues to make his little compliments and tell me little stories I couldn't help but smile. Ugh if I could listen to his voice and stay like this forever I would. As another minute passed I was drifting off. Before I fully drifted off I managed to utter a little mumble "..c/n.. love..you"

As c/n smiles, he responds with an "love you too, n/n." Both y/n and c/n now asleep soundly and peacefully, C/n lightly snoring but not too loudly which y/n thinks is strangely cute. Both snuggled up on the sofa with only the fire place sparking a vibrant hue of orange illuminating their peaceful faces~

E N D <3

- 22/06/23 : grammar mistakes edit

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