🌩️ Jealous 🌩️

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C/n and Y/n have decided to go on a little date at the mall. It has been going really well for the pair, even buying a few things and getting some food. They've now decided to go into their last shop of the day before heading to C/n's place for a movie night. The shop was filled with many cute plushies and figurines, along with many other items. The couple has only been browsing for a bit, sharing things that they have seen and liked in each section.

C/N's POV:
"Oo!" Y/n exclaims, gathering my attention as she trails off to the other side of the store to look at something her eyes have caught onto. I smile; she just looks so cute when she's all happy like this! I could watch her for hours. I decide to let Y/n look by herself and thus I go back to flicking through the many shirts they had on this shirt rack, hoping to find something for either me or Y/n.

As I was browsing, a woman around my age came up to the rack, also flicking through it, but I didn't think much about it. But to my despair her next choice of actions are something which was not on my list of things that could happen today.

"Excuse me, I think you look really handsome and sexy... Can I have your number?" She turns her body to face me with a smile and a seductive look. I turn my head to face her, looking quite annoyed, but with the hope that if I say no, she will go.
"No, I-" Before I could even think to finish my sentence, she abruptly butted in, placing a hand on my chest.

"No?! But I think that all of this would go to waste, don't you think? And even if you have a girlfriend, which should be me, I don't think shes as great as me nor needs to know~" She smirks as her hand slides down my chest slowly while looking up at me 'innocently'. At that moment, I felt like projectile vomiting. Never in my life have I ever felt so disgusted, disappointed, or disturbed in all of my lifetime. I just wanted her to disappear. Badly.

Y/N's POV:
Ecstatic, I glided towards the huge Plusheen S'more's plushie from across the room. It was so cute, I couldn't resist picking it up! I decided to also browse the area while I was there, but to my dissatisfaction, this section wasn't filled with many things that satisfied my interest.

As I was mid-browsing, I heard a woman start speaking, but it didn't bother me as I assumed they were talking to someone else. That was until I had to look over twice to check and confirm that this 'woman' wasn't talking to my boyfriend when I heard him trying to speak up. I turned my body around to the other side of the shop in horror to see this woman's hand slithering down C/n's chest. Ah, hell naw.

I crossed my arms upon seeing the woman trying hard to flirt with him. My blood started to boil, but I didn't let it get to me just yet. My eyebrow raised upon hearing her 'speech' after cutting off my boyfriend, who was obviously trying to be polite, and turning her down to say that his girlfriend was in the same room too. I looked over at C/n, and that's when I couldn't take it anymore. He looked very uncomfortable and even a little sick, like he'd just seen a ghost.

Out of total jealousy and anger, I practically sprinted over to the two. But as I got halfway there, I decided to 'accidentally' throw the quite large and slightly heavy plushie that I still had in my possession towards her head. Unfortunately, I missed her head but still hit her shoulder pretty hard, but not hard enough to cause any damage. Her head rapidly turned to my direction, giving me the death stare as I ran up to C/n continuing to hug his side firmly.

"Baby, I think I'm ready to go now. This date was so fun! I'm totally ready to go now and continue this date at your house!~" I put on a wide smile and big eyes, looking up at C/n, saying all of this obnoxiously loudly, and occasionally looking at the woman too. She just rolls her eyes as she looks me up and down.

"Oh my god! I didn't see you there! We're having a movie date tonight, and if you couldn't tell, I'm his girlfriend. That is if you didn't decide to cut him off, you would know." I turn my attention towards the woman, giving her the death stare. She scoffs at her expression, now looking offended. I smirk at my achievement. I remember the plushie I threw at her a moment ago. I decided to pick it up and hand it to her.

"Oh, and I will not apologise for this, by the way. Ciao." I give her one last smile, quickly fading into a judgmental and furious expression. She just mumbles something about C/n not even being that worth it or whatever bs was coming out of her mouth. I let go of C/n, holding onto his hand instead, storming out of the store and dragging him along with me. The woman was definitely livid, and so was I.


Throughout the car ride, I was pretty mad; I didn't speak, only scrolling through posts on my phone to keep my mind from wondering. But my aura still hasn't changed, and C/n has noticed. We finally arrived at his house after a mere 5 minutes. I close the car door swiftly, walking to his apartment practically ahead of him as if we were going to my place.

"Y/n." C/n stops me, I pause in front of the door. He walks up to me, hugging me from behind. At once, upon feeling his touch and warmth, my heart started to run at a normal speed again. I take a deep sigh, looking down, now embarrassed at my actions.
"Im sorry for getting so mad back there-" C/n cut's me off, shushing me as he turns me around smoothly now with his hands placed delicately on my waist, pulling me close.

"Hey. Don't apologise for something like that ever! You were a total boss back there; you really showed that girl up! I mean, did you SEE her face in the end? It was comedic. I was definitely uncomfortable there; I felt like throwing up. Seriously. So thank you; I mean it." He hugs me at the end of the talk, placing his hand on mine and hugging me for dear life. I wrap my arms around his and end up smiling at his appreciation of my efforts and validating my feelings. After all, he's never one to judge me, ever.

"Even though you were hella jealous back there, it was kinda hot." C/n whispers into my ear before placing a kiss on my forehead, earning him a tint of rosy cheeks.
"Hey!" I look up at him with my eyebrows furrowed and my lips curled into a light pout. He chuckled as a response, followed by a smirk.

"Just s-shut up." I hit him on the chest lightly.
"Is that the best you can do? Is somebody upset? Aw, my little jealous cutie, protecting your boyfriend from scary other women, aw." He squishes my cheeks, making me close my eyes and let out an audible groan.

"C/n, stop it!" I whine, holding onto his wrist as he chuckles.
"Make me." He stops abruptly smirking at me while his face inches closer. I roll my eyes in response, but decide to cup his face in my hands, hungrily going in for a kiss. He reciprocates it back, almost twice as passionate. We both melt into the kiss, his arms slithering around my waist, pulling me in close once again, and mine around his neck. After a couple of seconds, we both parted lips to get some air. We look at each other and smile like two silly people.

Let's just say that the movie we watched that night wasn't the only thing that we did.



A/n: My posting times r so random lol but hey i hoped u like this oneshot/imagine :) I have another one that im writing which is like 85% done but i've been SLOW AF on it but hopefully i'll be able to publish it soon ㅠㅠ 🫡

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