🦋 My #1 Follower - "Thank You" 🦋

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It's yet another day of scrolling on my phone. I wasn't doing anything special in particular. I was just browsing my Instagram feed, going through all the different varieties of posts from the different pages I did and didn't follow. From pictures of friends on their day out to memes.

I was currently on my private account, where I'd mainly DM my friends or post pictures of me and/or my friends. In contrast to this, I also own a public edit/blog account where I would usually post other things like my artwork, the little things I've done that day, like a picture of my cappuccino I've had at the café today, or a picture of the food I cooked, along with a few fan edits here and now of (inset an interest).

Nothing too special, just an account where I post things for fun! Usually, I don't get a lot of attention on my posts, even though I do have quite a lot of followers! Well... if you count 437 as a lot, *ping* My eyes travelled from the reel i was watching to the top of the phone screen to see a new notification pop up:

[u/n] - @yummyummyc/n has followed you.
*ping* @yummyyummyc/n has commented on your post.

Oo, a new follower and a comment, nice! I speak to myself as I click on the notification.
Since I usually don't get comments often, this made my day. And ever since that day, @yummyyummyc/n has always been the one who'd comment and like my posts and my stories. Whoever this person was, it felt like they were like my little hype person (cuz i~ know what you like boy~ NWJNS anyone?).

-time skip-

It has now been a month since that day. I was lying on my bed posting something to my Instagram, and then 2 minutes later (not by surprise), @yummyyummyc/n left a comment and like on my post and even shared it on their story' "Omg, you got a (insert a cool item) That's awesome!" They always left positive comments, and I always replied thanking them, so that's what I did, but instead of pressing'reply', I selected message and didn't realise it :

u/n : Omg thank you sm! You always leave a positive message on all my posts. I really appreciate it <3 🤍
@yummyyummyc/n : omg hello! ^^ and no problem!! Hey, is it alright if we become online friends? You seem like a rly cool person :)
u/n : Oh wait really??
u/n : uhh sure 👍
@yummyyummyc/n : what's your name?
u/n : y/n, yours ?
@yummyyummyc/n : c/n, nice to meet you
u/n : nice to meet you c/n ^^ !!

-5 month time skip-

It's now been 5 months since me and c/n first talked. I always look forward to texting him after a long day of work. Throughout these quite tedious past 5 months, he's managed to cheer me up whenever i feel upset, bored, or angry. We've also found out that we have SO many things in common! From music taste to f/s, he even likes [insert another interest]! We just clicked right away, right from our first chat. He's so funny too; we've even called a couple of times before and also video-called once! He even follows me on my private account now. It's as if we've known each other for way longer than just a mere 6 months.

Even though he doesn't post a lot on his account, he does every once in a while, and it's usually an OOTD (outfit of the day) picture of him, and i must admit. He looks FINE. We always try to talk every day; we even try to watch some TV series together. But what I didn't seem to notice was my buildup of feelings for c/n. That was until September 17, 2023 :

c/n: heeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy n/n
y/n: c/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnieeeeee 🔥🔥🔥🔥 hey hru?!!!
c/n: im doing alright nothing much tho...
y/n: :(
c/n: can i ask u smt?
y/n: uhm yeah sure?! What is it? Did u burn down a school or smt ? 😱😱😱😱
c/n: wtf- no 💀
c/n: i was wondering, since we've known each other for a while now, video called n all.. How about we meet up? We both live in the same city and i'd love it if we could hang out! We'll meet up in a local area so that you can trust me better. You dont HAVE to fully trust me yet but we can build that up too.
c/n: what do u say?
y/n: oh wow.
y/n: WAIT REALLY?! Oh my god, yes, totally!
y/n: Is it alright if we meet at a local café in the city? My best friend runs the place, so I'll probably feel
more comfortable there 😅
c/n: Sure! As long as you're comfortable :)

- 1 week later -

It has now been a week since we last discussed our meetup. I'm now sitting in my best friend's café, enjoying the aroma of sweet treats along with the bitter but warm smell of all types of beverages, from coffee to cappuccinos to tea, you name it. I always found it comforting to come here from time to time. Because of the whole café cosy home vibes with the comfortable seats b/f/n had carefully chosen. The whole place had a vibe that b/f/n, me, and a lot of other regular customers who come here would agree upon.

I was sitting at one of the tables for two by the window, along with b/f/n. "So you're finally meeting him, huh? I swear to God, if he's a weirdo or something, I WILL kill him." She looks at me, sitting with her legs and arms crossed, sitting on the other seat across from me, dressed in her work uniform. The shop wasn't too busy today, so she didn't have to constantly be behind the counter. "Yeahhhh, I ammmm." I responded in a sigh as my body reminded me to head down onto the table as my arms crossed over each other, making a little pillow for my head to rest on as my right hand held my cup of (preferred beverage), swirling the drink inside of it around.

"Its just.. *I look up from the side to my chin resting on top of my arms to look at b/f/n* i dont know...i guess a mixture of excitement, anxiety...something else that im not sure of-" In the middle of my sentence, we heard the bell from the top of the door ring, signalling to us that somebody has entered the building (Seung-). I felt my heart skip a beat as b/f/n gave me a smug look that read, 'He's here~ Have fun.' I just roll her eyes as tension builds up as i spring up from my current position to sit up straight while fixing my hair, We both slowly turn our heads to see who it is. Anxiety is at its peak.

"Oh, hi Chris!" b/f/n spurs out in surprise as she swiftly stands up to dash behind the counter to greet Christoper, a regular customer. "Ugh.. false hope," I sigh as I pick up my phone from the table to check the time. '3:12pm' Its been 12 minutes past our agreed upon 3pm... where is he?... did he set me up? Maybe he can't make it? As I was dozing off into my thoughts, I heard some panting coming from the door. I look up to see a quite tall figure with h/c and h/l locks that complement his facial features, along with a cute but simple outfit :

"wow..." I mutter in disbelief. He looked at least 50% more attractive than online. Usually it would be the opposite with all the filters and Photoshop people do to their photos these days; it's hard to tell who's real and who's not. I think I just might've hit the jackpot.

I quickly snap myself back to reality as c/n composes himself and scans the room looking for me. "Hello, welcome to The Cosy Café!" B/f/n greets c/n as he walks over. "Hello! Sorry, I just look-" "She's over there." b/f/n cut off c/n, knowing just from that short part of his sentence who he was automatically, making her point in my direction. As I notice this gesture, I slowly feel my nerves getting to me. God, why am I so nervous? My heart is beating like crazy right now. What the heck, y/n?

The polite barista who was behind the counter pointed towards a woman sitting at a table for two next to a window. It was y/n. I look at her, and as she looks at me, we both make eye contact. "Wow." That's all I could say as I looked at her in awe. My eyes light up like a child looking at the star on a Christmas tree.

Y/n didn't always have posts of her with her face. Sometimes she'd post some on her private Instagram account, but usually they're with friends with her face barely in there or with a filter. Looking at her made my heart skip a beat, as if it wasn't already beating heavily knowing that today was the day i was meeting her. How y/n's h/c hair and skin glowed in the sunlight reflecting from the glass panel, along with her outfit, which complimented her physique. God, she looks so damn cute.

I give her a warm smile as I walk up to her. "Hey. Sorry, I was late, Traffic." I give her a little wave, and she converts it back as i get a feeling of nervousness mixed with confidence, that hits my body. "Is this seat preserved for somebody called c/n?" She rolls her eyes at my stupid remark. "Um. I don't think so... don't know him, sorry." We both just crack up laughing as I take my seat in front of her, continuing to converse.

- time skip -

As the sun starts to set, y/n and c/n having lost track of time, have now spoken for 3 hours straight in between ordering some food and drinks. "Oh my god! Look, the sun is setting!" Y/n says enthusiastically as she turns her head towards the window to watch the view. The sky was painted in a magical gradient of four different hues of red to yellow-orange, which shined a golden hue amongst the city, as c/n followed along.

"Wait- what time is it?" C/n lifts up his arm to look at his watch. "6:30?!" We both turn our heads to look at each other in shock of how long we've been talking to one another. Y/n bursts out in laughter. "Oh my god, hahahaha, 3 hours?! Thats crazy hahaha... ahhhh wow... felt like 30 minutes, not 3 hours?!" Y/n remarks. C/n blushes while chuckling at y/n's comment, admiring her looks as if he hasn't had 3 whole hours to look at her already. "Well, they do say time passes faster when you're having fun so i guess we're having an amazing time aren't we?" C/n tilts his head a bit to the side like a puppy while giving y/n one of his cute smiles.

Y/n pouts, making c/n confused. "Huh? What's wrong?" c/n spits out in a worried tone. Y/n chuckles in response, "Oh, nothing... You just look so cute when u smile!" Y/n says, teasing c/n as she reaches out to pinch both of his cheeks while laughing. "H-hey y/n!!~ Get off of me!!~" C/n whines and complains, but y/n won't budge. That was until a light bulb sparked in his head. He decided to cup y/n's cheek and look her straight into her e/c eyes, making her stop in her tracks and slowly removing her hands from c/n's cheeks to the table.

"...C-c/n? What's going on?.." C/n continued to stare at y/n for a little more until he answered her question. "Mmm...Just trying to examine your beauty better. And to make you stop pinching my cheeks...unless...you'd like an alternative method?" He replies back, along with a little wink at the end, suggesting what he meant by his 'alternative method'. Y/n started to blush like crazy, c/n also starting to blush. "How about we call this our first date? Hm?" This single line took y/n by surprise, making her sit there and process what he just said for a whole 20 seconds.

"W-what?! You're saying...you want to ... go out with me?..." c/n looks back at y/n with a "bffr" expression. "No shit, Sherlock." C/n replies empathetically. "Shut up, doofus. And to answer your question..." Y/n stands up in a quick manner, making c/n's hands fall from y/'s cheeks, keeping them still in place in the air, to walk next to c/n's seat, facing his side. C/n turns his head, following her direction, wondering what she's doing.

She turns to c/n now with her arms out, suggesting a hug with that cute smile of Y/N's beaming across her face. C/n stood up straight away as he got the memo, hugging her back. "Of course, c/n/n!" She says as she looks up at him to give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving them both smiling like two little cute dorks, their hearts jumping around and butterflies running in their stomachs.

"AHHHHHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD- sorry, sorry, pretend I'm not here, alright!?" B/f/n blurts out with excitement, jumping up and down while recording the scene on her phone. "B/F/N!!!!!" y/n shout's as you both turn your heads to see b/f/n fangirling and giggling over them like a teenager fangirling over their favourite girl group or boy band. C/n turns his attention back to y/n, still holding her firmly in his arms.

"Thank you, y/n."


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Word count: 2.2k
a/n: guess who's back with another part~ >:)! Hope u liked it!! This one is another cute and lengthy one i hope u enjoyed-!! TYGSM FOR 500* READS ahhhhh! Literally love guys sp much so ts insane that this book has 500 reads already hehe~ sorry for the slow updates btw! >> i only ever really write when im bored tbh haha and when i feel like it 💩
Grammar update - 09/04/24

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