📸 Nature's Beauty 📸

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Y/n's POV:
My arms reach high towards the sky, getting rid of any tension that's been piling up for the lasted half an hour. I proceed to put them behind my head with fingers intertwined, leaning back on my comfortable office chair. I let out an exaggerated yawn in response to the pain relief leaving my body. My desk buddy, c/n, look's over at me with a smirk on his face. "You finished for the day already?"

Me and c/n are both co-workers as well as really good friends over the couple of years working with each other. We both work in a media company in the photography unit along with 8 other coworkers. Sometimes we have big projects, which usually involve the whole unit working together, solo, or duo projects with our desk buddies. Mine ended up being c/n. When I first joined the company 3 years ago he had already been working there for a year. He helped me learn a lot about the company, make friends as well as help me improve on my photography skills!

"Mhm~ I just need to hand it in and have it looked over." I sigh staying slouched upon my office chair spinning left and right while staring at my work load soon to be complete. Luckily, if I keep my head straight and work consistently for a reasonable amount of hours I get to go home early. But some days we get more workload some days not. "Alright then." C/n spins his office chair to face my direction, the noise also made me turn around like a domino effect.

"Man.. Im also hard working and consistent but I don't usually finish early like u?" C/n pouts dramatically pretending to be upset. I raise my eyebrow crossing my arms and legs. "Boy you know goddamn well that u in fact could if u wouldn't get so distracted easily and stoped trying to annoy me out of boredom." C/n puts a hand to his heart, acting shocked as if he's just witnessed a tragedy. "Why I never!" He turns his head as I chuckle making him also chuckle in response. "Want a coffee?" C/n asks with a faint smile on his face holding onto the arm resting preparing to get up. I nod in agreement giving him the chance to scurry off.

Only two seconds of him being gone and I already feel quite bored. Just as I was going to get back to finishing off my work something catches my eye. C/n's photography camera. You may or may not be wondering why this is so 'eye catching' well that is because I rarely ever get to look at the photos stored on there! The only times I usually get to is if he's in control of the camera or I have his permission to but even so, he's usually looking over my shoulder or something.

I know for a fact that he's a great photographer! One of the best in our unit. I've tried to ask him before why he's like this with his artworks and all he ever says is "Just because" or "I get kinda shy showing other people my pictures." Which I think is total cap knowing that he shows many other people when they ask. They even get to hold the goddamn thing and flick through themselves without him looking?! He must have something on there. Especially more lately this year since I barely get to look anymore when I ask.

A grin rises upon my face. Lightly pushing myself away from the desk I look around the corner to see if C/n is back yet. After instigating around the area I assume not. For extra measures I swing my chair around to face my desk and swiftly pick up my phone from my desk, unlocking it, and text him to ask him to grab me a snack from the vending machine to waste more time for my excellent plan. After just a few seconds he responds back with an "sure" I get to work.

Turning my chair around, I now face his ever so treasured work space. My eye's fixate on the black camera decorated with a bunch of stickers C/n's previously put onto it. The camera itself was around 2 years old resulting in a few faint scratches on it but isn't much noticeable from most distances. The camera sat on his desk behind his work papers, poorly hiding from sight making it easy to pick it up without leaving any type of trace.

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