🩶 "Doll" 🩶

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<3 [slight swearing warning!] <3

Lunch Time. Agreeably one of the best times of the day, other than the obvious home time, is the only time out of the school day where I would get to chill out and eat food with one of the people I loved the most in the world. B/f/n! We are practically inseparable. Even though we have only met this year due to me transferring mid last academic year. I had to transfer since my mum got a new job in the city, it was quite tricky since i joined mid way through the last academic year but quickly got use to everything thanks to b/f/n! Since then, i've gotten to meet some of her friends and get use to the city too!

Sitting on the bleachers, eating my food alone, while's waiting for b/f/n to come. I space out, thinking about anything really, until a thought pops up into my head but gets cut off when I hear footsteps approaching me.
"Hey y/n" B/f/n smiles, sitting next to me with their lunch in her hands frantically shoving her hand in the bag to get out the first thing which reaches their hand to eat it. I chuckle at their rushed movements.
"Must be real hungry huh? Did you even eat your breakfast today?! Or did you rush to school again today?" I spoke in response, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes smirking.
B/f/n stops in their tracks to side eye me making us both laugh out suddenly.
"Uhm....maybe..." They reply apologetically slowly going back to eating frantically again.

I look down at my food about to go back to eating it again but suddenly, I remember what was about to pop into my head before b/f/n appeared making me hastily turn my body towards b/f/n accidentally startling them. "Ah, b/f/n. I've thought about it and I think I wanna join a club but...I don't know which one tho since im not amazing at most of the clubs offered here.." I look away slightly embarrassed at the last thing I said.
"Hmmm..." B/f/n thinks for a moment before, what seemed like a lightbulb going off in their head, finishing off the last bite of their sandwich to tap me.  I look up at them with a puzzled but attentive look towards them.
"What if you join the dance club?! I only joined around the start of the last school year before you joined and I must say it's quite fun! And trust, I started only knowing a few couple of simple moves but now I can learn a whole choreography in a day or two! They accept anybody really just as long as you are determined to learn and have fun too! So you could definitely join even at your level. Plus may I mention that c/n is there who is super handsome!!!"
My eyes light up making me smile but soon enough my smile fades and eyes go back to normal making a slightly anxious face. B/f/n notices.
"Hey you'll be alright! It can be quite awkward and embarrassing at first but trust me, everybody...well almost everybody there is super supportive and nice. Im going for practice today. It's in the room opposite the gym after school from 3:30pm to 5pm. Think about it!" I nod in agreement, b/f/n already packed up and waved while walking off. I jump a little at the bell going off, "oh shoot. Right, the bell... WAIT UP B/F/N!!!"

~ Time Skip ~

*riingggggggg* The last bell of the day!
"Finally! I can go home!" I mutter dully while packing up. Walking out of the classroom I can feel the buzz of a notification go off from my jumper pocket from my phone, I decide to check it out.
*1 messages notification from Best Rat Friend:*
"Knowing your fish brain, here's a reminder that dance club starts in 30! Have you thought about it?"
I roll my eyes at the message laughing to myself in my head. In a matter of fact I didn't forget since it has been pondering in my mind for the last two periods. My decision? Since I didn't know what other club to join and B/f/n at least was going to be there I thought why not? She said that everybody there was welcoming.

I arrive outside the dance studio at 3:15, 15 minutes early to make a good expression. I take a deep breath convincing myself that i'll be okay before opening the door. Hesitant, I lift my hand upon the cold and solid door knob, twisting it to open the door slowly. I close the door behind me slowly while looking around, I gotta say the studio actually looks pretty nice and chill. It was small but quite spacious with mats and other materials in the right side of the room along with a water dispenser and cups, a small but comfy looking sofa in the left corner with its back against the wall, the floors looked clean with an oak flooring making it look homely and lastly two boys who stood there. Staring at me making me slightly jump.

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