🩶 "Cupcake" 🩶

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a/n: This is "Doll" part 2 but u don't have to read the first part to understand what's going on in this imagine! Although it would be ideal for some background!

It's been around 5½ months since y/n has joined the school's dance club after b/f/n suggests she join. Y/n's now become quite good friends with Felix and c/f/n, both close friends of c/n. Not so much c/n tho knowing his cold demeanour, but nevertheless she's still tried. As of lately, c/n has been become ever more suspicious towards y/n. Growing a little more softer towards her day but day, which the rest has taken quick notice of but not so much y/n.

Today was practice, so naturally everybody was there except for Felix, he was sick, leaving things to just c/n, c/f/n, b/f/n and y/n for todays practice. During Y/n's time at the dance club, Y/n has found a new passion for dancing. Even practicing in her spare time after school by herself or with some of the others.

Commonly, she would find c/n practicing, after school hours on other days that weren't when club ran, quite often as well. At first it was awkward when it was just y/n and c/n practicing together but now, they're more comfortable and bearable with each other . As comfortable as they have gotten, C/n still shows his distance and cold side but still tries to help y/n when she's struggling on something in a calmed manner.

They definitely weren't lying when they said he was a good teacher, y/n has improved so much over the last couple of months! You'd would never of thought you'd get up to this point!

Today we started to practice doing duo dances seeing that Felix wasn't in. We decided to partner up boy-girl for this one and we got to choose our partners. We've decided on doing a little challenge where we all dance to the same song but choreography a small section of the song with our partners. Naturally, I got paired up with c/n since I was still a bit of a newbie on making my own choreography's. But what I didn't clock was the true reasoning behind why c/f/n and b/f/n partnered us up.

We split up. Me and c/n decided to work on the left side of the dance studio while's c/f/n and b/f/n decide to work on the other. Me and him both sit down trying to work out a part suitable enough for us to think of something to put together. One thing that I didn't notice was the lyrics. The intentions of the lyrics. The song sounded quite upbeat I didn't even notice that the lyrics behind it was actually...dirty?! I start to panic a little, why am I even panicking?! I ponder to myself quickly calm myself down. Maybe it's just my mind being melted from school today...but what if we have to-

"You there doll?" C/n snaps me back to reality, making me startled.
"P-pardon?" I look away slightly embarrassed.
"I said, what do you think of this section? It sounds pretty good, the bridge." My interest peaked as he then went on to play it.
"Sounds pretty good to me! im sure we'll be able to work out something...well if I can think of anything that is...and stop calling me doll!! It's been like 5 months now..." I mutter the last bit staring to the floor.
"Fine then cupcake." He gets up with what I swore was a a slight smirk on his face. I swear he just does it to piss me off...he can't possibly be flirting with me? Before that singular thought could spiral I brush it away although it still lingered in my mind making me slightly distracted throughout the whole practice.

- time skip! -

It is now 5:10pm, dance club was suppose to finish 10 minutes ago but me and c/n have insisted on staying for a little longer to perfect the dance we've created. C/f/n and b/f/n are both sitting on the sofa watching us as we practice. Me and c/n, now exhausted, decided to go and get a quick drink planning to come back to our positions that we were in a moment ago.

☁️ Crush x Reader ☁️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ