🌱 Alone Buddies 🌱

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Y/N's POV:
Whats the first thing you think of when u hear the word 'Prom'? Fancy dresses and suits? Hanging out with friends? The bustling atmosphere? Or maybe, u
even being able to go out with that one person you've been itching to ask for what may feel like months perhaps. Everybody around me seems to have found themselves a partner to go to prom with. Where as I, haven't. Don't get me wrong, im still going, and with my friends too but...they've all got a prom date except for me!

"Girl. Come on, cheer up! Im sure you'll have a blast either way!" B/f/n reassures me over the phone as im in the middle of getting ready for prom. B/f/n's going to be picking me up along with some of our other friends for prom and their dates are going to meet them there. "I knoooowwww ugh, its just that you guys all have dates...what if i get lonely..." I pout, sitting on my chair at my desk looking in the mirror while adjusting my hair into a cute hairstyle. "Y/n...hey, you know what? I PROMISE i'll try and make you feel included as much as possible tonight alright? Plus you'll never know...you could meet somebody there too~" I could practically hear her smirk over the phone, I just roll my eyes. "Ha ha very funny b/f/n. Sounds like some type of movie cliché or something...sigh"

Silence then lingered in the room. After making the last adjustments to my hair, I get up slowly to see the full fit. Cute but simple I think to myself not aiming to go for anything particularly too fancy and showy but also comfortable. I smile in satisfaction before being abruptly disrupted "Aaaaanddd finished! You done yet? I just finished my make up. Ive gotta say I think I look quite good~" B/f/n speaks up enclosing the silence." I chuckle. "Of course you do b/f/n, you always look stunning. And yes I am!" I reply back in excitement. "Alright be there in five!" She hangs up right after, making me sigh. "I should get my things ready in the meantime."

- time skip! -

We're here... getting out of b/f/n's car I can hear the muffled vibrations of music coming from inside along with the slight breeze, glazing my skin ever so slightly, coming from the warm atmosphere of inside the building. The perfect combo for this long seeming night ahead of me. Me, b/f/n and the two other friends, picked up along the way, all see their dates for the night standing outside waiting for them all smiling as we steadily make our way towards them. B/f/n glances at me in a reassuring way only resulting in a faint smile. Hi's and hug's we're given as the three duo's met with me just going around giving each guy an awkward little hi. As we enter the building I try to only think of the positives rather than the negatives so i can try and enjoy myself. The noise level's rises rapidly as we enter the building, everybody with looks of excitement on their faves as if they have no cares in the world. It made me put a smile in my face, its nice to see everybody having a blast for once and in nice clothes too instead of feeling stressed and pressured due to all the end of the end of year exams.
Some of my friends decided to part ways onto the dance floor while some saw their other friends, making them rush off to go and greet them leaving me with b/f/n. We both look at each other in confusion and laugh. "Well there goes all of our friends i guess haha... hey look its the snack bar!" My eyes light up at the sigh of all the delicately placed range of foods and drinks at the food bar making me drag b/f/n along with me in joy.

Me and b/f/n we're actually having a lot of fun, it was just the two of us vibing to the music, being silly, chatting and eating occasionally around the snack bar area. Occasionally some of our friends would come over to chat to us which we appreciated, adding more fun to the atmosphere. Unfortunately it all came to a halt as we the sudden announcement from the DJ about the next upcoming song. "Are you ladies and gent's ready! This next song is dedicated to all the people who have been lucky enough to came with a date! So get ready for the next slow jam to get your hearts pumping and stomachs filled with butterflies!" Cheers from all over bursted out as it seems nearly 90% of the students here rapidly entered the dance floor. B/f/n gave me her last smile and a little "Bye! See you when this song ends!" I give her a nod and a small smile as she rushes off to the dance stage looking for her date. Sigh the slow jam has begun. Now its just me and my own thoughts. Great. Watching all the couples slow dancing was a nice view but still made me quite upset since I wasn't up there too. I just shrugged it off tho while snacking onto all the lovely variety servings of foods.

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