6 | don't cry

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Still gavis POV:

Matheo and Pedri won against Kai and Balde.

I saw Kiana smiling at Matheo. She was happy. I mean she looked at him like he was a star.

He sat down next to her and gave her a kiss.

I wanna boil.

I don't understand why im jealous, do i really already like her?

„Wanna order Pizza?", Kai offered.

They all agreed and i just nodded.

„Why so silent gavi?", Balde asked.

I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to speak.

„Dude, youre the hyperactive in this group, are you dead?", Pedri said.

„No", was all i said.

„Are you tired? Hungry?", Kai asked.

„No!", i said again.

„I'll use the bathroom", i continued.

Pedris POV:

Something is off with him, he never is like this. Yesterday after we left he was silent the whole ride home. I dont understand honestly, but i know something isnt right.

Kiana looked after gavi while Matheo went out to fcking smoke.


„And?", i asked her.

„i don't want to bother him" she said.

„Ill do that then" i said and went to the bathroom.

„Mate, i know you're not shitting, open up", i said.

He opened the door and came out. The bathroom was the whole hall way down.

„Whats wrong? You're not like that gavi", i said.

„I don't know Pedri, i know this may be weird asf but but you're the only one i can speak to now right? and i cant keep it to myself anymore", he said.

„Keep what to yourself?"

„I know, i don't know Kiana long, but i think i am interested in her"

Wow. Now i understand.

„Makes sense, but look, she has a boyfriend and shes happy. And i swear that boy is weird, but be happy for her, see the positive. If matheo keeps beeing like that they'll end soon", i said.

„Be like what?", gavi asked.

„I know matheo, he was something like a psycho. He played every girl and cheated on multiple girls. Maybe you should worry more about Kiana instead of beeing jealous gavi"

„What the fuck?!"

„Don't scream like that are you insane", i said.

I shouldn't had tell him this. Now he isn't jealous, he's boiling.

„Come", gavi said.

We went back to the others and just sat normal on the couch, as nothing happened.

Kiana POV;

They came back together, gavi more relaxed than before. I was a bit worried about him but i think everything is fine now.

„Ill have to go im sorry mylove", Matheo said while standing up.

„oh yeah sure", i said

He said goodbye to all of them and then left.

Why is he leaving so early?

„Are you good?", Gavi asked me.

„Yeah, im just asking myself why he's leaving so early", i said.

„Maybe this can help", Gavi said while giving me his phone.

There was a party a few blocks further.

„What the fuck", was all i said.

„Do you like stalking?", gavi asked me.

„Absolutely!", i smiled.

I maybe had an plan what he was thinking.

„Lets do it then", gavi said and took my hand.

„Me and kiana are going for a walk", gavi told the others and they all nodded.

We walked in silent, i knew we're going to that party but what was his exact plan?

„Wait, what do you want to do there?", i asked Gavi.

„Look, i know you love Matheo, but he isnt who you think he is Kiana", he said.

„What do you mean?", i was confused.

„You'll see", is the last thing he said.

We stood in front of the house where the Party was and it was disgusting. If i hate one thing the most, its partys.

We walked in, gavi holding my arm.

„Be near, don't loose me. Here are many drunk people", he said.

He was caring, thats so cute.

We were walking until we saw Matheo sitting at the bar with an other girl.

What. The. Hell.

I wanted to sturm off to him but gavi held me.

„Don't", he said silently.

„He's about to kiss her gavi!", i said angry.

„Let him do, he doesn't deserve you if he really does it. You're to good for such an asshole"

„Why are you saying that?"

„Because its the truth, now focus"

I turned around to look at Matheo and in that moment he kissed the other girl. I can't believe it.

„Let me go!"

„Kiana, wait"

I ran out of the house in tears. Not that shit again. I thought i could trust him, he used it, he used me.

How can i trust again? After this, after my dad, after my ex. I cant anymore.

I walked to the beach and sat in the sand, my head covered in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder as i looked up i saw gavi.

My face was literally full of tears and my mascara was all smeared.

He looked at me with a sad expression and started to talk.

„No, don't cry", he said sitting next to me.

6. Chapter🥀

Since this is a draft it isn't as long how y'all maybe expected but the next chapters ill try to write longer!🫶🏼

Any thoughts though?

Thank you for reading, i love youu


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