8 | Nickname.

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After the long shower i went downstairs and made myself some cereal.

It was so early i didn't know what to do, until i got a message..

from matheo.

What a great start to a wonderful day.

I remembered pablos words „if theres anything i can do for you, let me know". I think i might need him now.

I texted him and he immediately texted back.

Chat between Gavi and Kiana

K: Good morning

G: Good Morning kiana, whats up?

K: Can you call? Or maybe meet up?

G: now?

K: i need ur help Pablo

G: Picking you up in 5'

K: Thank you!🤍

G: see ya

Chat end

I hope he can help me because he helped me yesterday too, a lot probably but without him even knowing.

I run up to take some joggers and a top. I wrote a little note for kai.

pick up Luca at 3pm, im not home"

I waited on the couch for a Message of pablo. Not long after he texted me saying he's here.

I put on my shoes and tried to leave the house quietly.

„Hey Pablo", i said walking up to him.

„Hey kiana", he said hugging me.

„Im sorry for making you go out with me at this time"

„No its fine, im used to it anyway"

„glad or else it'll be a bit embarrassing"

„So whats the gossip? Or is there any gossip?"

„No but a problem"


„So, i don't know how to break up with Matheo. Im scared that he'll be pissed and does the same thing my ex did.. yk. And he texted me a hour ago but i ignored him"

„You could meet up with him as soon as your ready for it. I can go with you but I'll hide somewhere where he cant see me. He cant do anything to you if im there, i promise"

„You would do that?"

„Of course kiana"

„That means a lot, thank you so much"

I stopped and hugged him again. I think i just need these hugs right now.

„Addicted to hugs?", he asked me.

„Hugs are the best, mean a lot"

„You're right", he smiled.

We started walking again and went to the beach spot where we were yesterday.

„This spot is beautiful", i said.

„Yes, it really is"

Gavis POV:

She was nervous and stressed, i felt it. She needed those hugs and im always here for her hugs.

She grew on me so quickly, that i cant even describe it. She may see me as a friend but i would still give her anything she needs or asks for.

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