17 | its their problem.

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Kianas POV:

i got a call from my old friend Jasmin. i went with her to Highschool, she thaught me bosnian while i thaught her englisch because she came from bosnia.

„hejj kiana", jasmin greeted me happily.

„hej jasmin, kako si?", i greeted her back.
= hey jasmin, how are you?

„dobro sam, kako si ti? kako je u spanskoj?"
= im good, how are you? how is spain?

„bas je preljepo! moras jednom da dojdes, moram ti puno izpricati i sve hocu da to pokazem"
= it's so beautiful! you have to come once, I have a lot to tell you and I want to show you everything

htjela sam da dojdem kad imam odmor"
= i wanted to come when i have vacation

„to je super! radujem se da te opet vidim"
= thats amazing! im excited to see you again

„i ja, moram sad prekint. vidimo se, volim te puno!"
= me too, i need to end now. see you, love you very much

„volim i ja tebe"
= i love you too

she ended the call and i went back to the livingroom where aurora and pablo already looked confused at me.

„i never heard that language before", aurora said.

„yeah, what language is that?", pablo included himself to the conversation.

„it's bosnian, the girl i was talking to thaught me it and i love to talk in that language", i laughed.

„it sounds complicated tho", aurora laughed.

„it was difficult to learn but now its easy to speak", i replied.

„you'll need to teach me some words", pablo said.

„i will", i laughed.

we started to watch a movie but in the half pablo already paused it.

„match is waiting for me, i need to go get ready", he said.

aurora and i just nodded and then he went upstairs.

after some time he came back with a bag and some other stuff.

„im leaving because we'll have a meeting before the match", he explained and then left.

„i think we should start getting ready too", i said.

„agree", she answered.

we went upstairs and took our jerseys. we both had the gavi jersey and some blue jeans. after we dressed we made our makeup and were ready after 1 1/2h.

it was 7;30pm and the game is starting at 9pm. we left the house and i took the keys with me. javi, auroras boyfriend, came to pick us up since he's going to the game too.

we finally arrived and went straight in.

„Kiana hey!", someone called.

i turned around and saw xavi with Luca coming towards me.

„oh hi", i said back.

„what a surprise seeing u here", he smiled

„yeah actually i didn't thought i would come again", i said.

„im glad you came to support us, i see, gavi", he winked.

„yeahh, uhm he got me the jersey so of course he picked himself", i laughed.

„i knew it!", luca interrupted us.

„knew what?", xavi and i asked him.

„uh nothing", he said walking away.

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