26 | te amo mucho

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„now i need a explanation", kai said.

„can we push that to tomorrow, im very tired of this crap"

„yes, of course", kai replied.

he's a very carrying brother and i really appreciate him. Luca had to leave us because he couldn't stay with us, his school was in the US so he had to return. i gladly didn't have to.

Im still afraid from dad.

i smiled at kai and wished him a good night.

„do you want to stay or are you going home?", i asked pablo.

„what kind if question is that? of course im staying with you amor", he smiled.

he texted pedri that we had an argument with Jasmin and that she left. pedri said he saw her storming off and matheo picking her up, but i don't care, i have better persons in my life than her.

pedri drove home after pablo texted him, because he was still waiting for us.

i was laying in bed while pablo was using the bathroom, i almost fell asleep.

i was asleep but awake, you know?

i heard pablos steps and him climbing into the bed.

he stroked my hair out of my face and what he said next, left me speechless even tho he thought i was asleep.

te amo mucho, amor", he whispered while cuddling next to me.

i had the biggest smile on my face and i could tell that if someone switches the light on now, i would look like a blushing tomato, extremely red.

this sentence kept repeating in my head. pablo just said for the first time that he loves me. he said he liked me before, but the word love is such a strong word.

and just the thought that he said it to me.

i fell asleep with the most amazing thoughts and the most amazing person next to me, can this even get better?

i mean of course i just lost my best friend, but loosing a snake isn't something you should be upset about.

just think about the persons you have and how much better they treat and love you.


waking up and opening my eyes, the bed was empty. noone was next to me.

i got up and looked around, hoping he'll be staying at the doorframe like last time and saying:

„im here, don't worry"

well, i wished, because he wasn't there.

while getting up i noticed a little paper on my left.

good morning hermosa,

i hope you had a good sleep, because i did, thanks to you.

i went to training with kai, stay at home i'll get you starbucks after training, i'll be there at 12am

your pablito❤️

he's such a sweetheart, he deserves everything.

i got up and made my morning routine. i went down and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. i continued my serie tsitp, until i heard a door.

„heyy, were back", kai entered the house.

i jumped off the couch and ran to the hall way.

„heyyy", i said exited.

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