Team 7 established

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Naruto was waking up from his pillow and looking out the window to realize that the sun hasn't even come up yet. He lifted his paw to move one of his flowers to reveal the clock and saw that it was 4:45 'why did I have to stay awake so late? I didn't even get to sleep until 1 mmmmm'. He wanted to just go to sleep but he knew that if he did, he would not get up in time for the exam, so he got up and walked to the door. Making sure not to fall through the door again, he opened it and dropped down to his unused bedroom. He mad his way to the shower and sat on his haunches letting the cold water wake him up as he thought about what Kurama told him last night as he slept


"Kit, I need to talk to you about your henge"

Hearing his tou-chan, Naruto looked up from his patch of grass with a confused look "what about it tou-chan?"

Kurama looked down on Naruto and brought up the issue "your won't be able to rely on it to hide yourself anymore"

Naruto was stunned "what do you mean I can't rely on it? I mastered the jutsu! I can use it without hand signs anymore, and yeah I still need to think about what to turn into but I can still use it!"

Kurama lifted his paw and tapped Naruto on the head with his finger, just hard enough to cause Naruto to hold his head in a bit of pain "it is still usable but it won't last. It is easily dispelled after a small tap or do you not remember the Inuzuka woman hitting you on the head gently to remove it" Kurama said with a smirk

Naruto just grumbled with a small bush at the embarrassing moment "fine but what can I do?"

"I have an idea on how we can get around this, but I don't think we have the time for it right now, so I will be reinforce your henge a bit with my own chakra"

Tilting his head he sat up and looked at Kurama "how will that reinforce them?"

"Your chakra is already far denser than a ningen's chakra but you still lack the control to do what I will do for you. I will be flowing some of my chakra into the henge keeping the flow to the henge stable so they don't dispel so quickly and it would need a very hard hit or knocking you out before it dispels as long as you maintain your focus on it"

Naruto didn't really understand how it would work but just nodded while scratching his head "ok, I think I get it but what is the other way that you were talking about?"

Kurama just shook his head "don't worry about it, we will work on it at a later date but for now get some sleep, I'm sure you will be tired in the morning since you decided to stay awake planning your prank"

Naruto yawned and layed down and closed his eyes "I just want to make sure that I get it righhh….". Naruto had fallen asleep and Kurama just smiled and layed down next to him

Flashback end

Naruto had finished his shower and spent some time trying to get his fur to flatten. After he was satisfied, he henged, got dressed, grabbed his equipment and left his apartment, heading to the training grounds

~Training grounds 7 5:40~

Naruto had arrived at the training grounds first and just chose to wait under a tree. As he sat there he looked around, in the center of the wide open field were 3 wooden posts, behind them was a river with mountains in the background on all other sides of the posts were wide forests with a dirt pathway leading to the village. Naruto wanted to take a nap but he heard footsteps coming to the grounds and turning his head he saw that it was Sasuke with Sakura followed behind and Naruto could hear her still asking for a date. Reaching into his pocket he put in the earplugs and just waited.

After Sasuke and Sakura arrived they noticed their blonde teammate sitting against a tree.

Sasuke just gave a "hm" and walked to the other side of the field and waited. Sakura just followed and sat next to him still talking to the Uchiha

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