The Genins' day in the village

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Hiruzen felt his eye twitch, rapidly. What he was looking at was by far the most irritating thing that he had ever witnessed. "Might I inquire, what is it that you are doing?"

Tsunade was at the moment drinking some sake, while she ignored the pile of paperwork on her desk. She took a big sip from her cup before letting out a loud sigh of content "Ahhh that hit the spot!" Tsunade then looked to Hiruzen and smiled at him "you know Sensei, you always made this job sound a lot harder than it is. But I think it's fine. Don't know why you always griped about it."

Interestingly, Asuma was also in the room as he had a report to give on the mission he and his team went through. However, he was finding it hard to keep a straight face as he watched his father talk with Tsunade. He could tell that Hiruzen was trying his hardest to keep his composure.

Hiruzen's eye was now rapidly twitching. Any more and someone would think he was having a seizure. "Tsunade, please tell me what you are doing?"

Tsunade looked to him again and just gave a cheeky smile "having a drink."

Hiruzen turned to Shizune, who was standing next to the Hokage desk "Please tell me how this happened." He spoke in a calm voice but there was a trace of impatience in it as he also pointed at the Hokage chair, that was occupied.

In the seat….was Tsunade who was stamping papers with either accepted or rejected as well as signing her name on several documents. She would then hand it to another Tsunade, who looked over it before placing it in one of four piles, one being for accepted shinobi affairs, one for the rejected Shinobi affairs, one for accepted civilian affairs and the last for rejected affairs. There was another pile but the pile's location was a large trash bin in the corner of the room that Tsunade used as a small bit of accuracy practice.

Shizune smiled sheepishly as she spoke, "when Naruto came in for a mission some time ago, he noticed that Tsunade was having trouble keeping up with the paperwork."

The Tsunade, who was drinking on the couch, took another large gulp before raising her cup. "Ahh, I love that Gaki for telling me this. Even if he gave me more paperwork to do, this makes up for it." She then looked to Hriuzen "oh he also left a message for you: 'Consider this payback for keeping those big secrets from me!'"

Asuma could not hold it in and he laughed at this. He knew about some of the secrets that Hiruzen chose to keep secret and understood the reasoning behind it but it would seem that Naruto has gotten his payback.

Hiruzen was now hurt, betrayed but most of all he was angry. And in a bit of unrelenting rage, he screamed out


The whole Village heard this shout and some were wondering what the boy had done this time in order to get the previous Hokage so angry


Naruto was on guard duty for the east gate and was in the middle of having a traveling merchant sign himself into the village when he heard the shout.

The merchant looked towards the Hokage tower and asked: "what was that?"

Naruto smiled as he figured that his payback was complete. 'Take that Jiji.' he leaned back on his chair as he had a wide smile on his face "no idea. Maybe someone pissed off someone else in the tower. But who really knows?"

The merchant shrugged before he grabbed his traveling cart and began to pull it into the village.

Naruto spoke up before the man was out of earshot "welcome to Konoha." Once the man was gone he turned his head to look behind him to see a Gamakichi and a small black fox summon named Shinta, playing a game of poker, with a pile of candy as the prize. The fox was in the lead and from what Naruto could tell, it was because of sleight of hand. He never thought Foxes as evil as he himself along with his father are not but he would not deny that they are mischievous at times.

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