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Tsunade was tapping her foot as she glared at Jiraiya, who was sweating bullets. He was already running through mental gymnastics, trying to figure out a way to escape should Tsunade lose her temper.

Jiraiya didn't know how much he should reveal, seeing as he didn't know much about the relation between Naruto and the Kyuubi himself. He already knew that the Kyuubi had saved the boy's life and that they had a close relationship but that was about it. He cleared his throat and shakingly asked: "W-well what do you want to know?" He spoke softly as for one he didn't want to wake the boy up as he was sleeping in the bed that was directly behind him... And he didn't want to set off the clearly frustrated and angry woman.

A tick mark formed on her head, and it was clear she was dying to punch Jiraiya through the wall. But first... first, she was getting answers. Then she would be punching him through the wall. "I want to know why the damn Kyuubi itself was summoned by the boy and helped us when facing the snake. And I want to know why he called it 'tou-san'!"

Jiraiya held his hands up in surrender "Your guess is as good as mine! All I know is that he has a good relationship with it..." He wanted to tell her the other thing he knew about Naruto but he felt that this was something that Naruto had to tell her himself because if he told her... He knew he might actually die.

Shizune was examining Naruto to make sure that he was ok but during her examination, she felt that something was off about him. Her medical jutsu could tell that his blood was flowing but his muscles felt like they were pumped full of chakra, so much so that she thought for a second that they were actually made of chakra. She shook away the thought as it was completely ludicrous to have anything made of chakra. The only thing close to that were the bijuu themselves as they were beings comprised of chakra. She thought that it might be because he was the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.

Tsunade sighed as she sat down in a chair and glared at Jiraiya "You two better tell me what it is your hiding as I am taking the job as Hokage."

Jiraiya smiled after hearing this "You're taking the job?"

Tsunade sighed as she looked towards Naruto and saw the glint of the necklace that he now wore "Yeah...I am."

~two days later~

Tsunade was tapping her foot as she stared down at the boy who was still sleeping but now he was sleeping as any other restless kid would. Blanket kicked off drool coming from his mouth and he was hugging the pillow as if it was his lover. She turned to glare at Jiraiya "How long does it take for this brat to wake up? He should have woken up yesterday with how fast he seemed to recover from everything."

Jiraiya chuckled a bit as he thought about what he had to do during their travels. He had learned that sometimes Naruto would sleep deeper than the dead and no matter what he did the boy would not wake up. He remembered that Naruto had told him that the Kyuubi can be like that sometimes too. 'Must be a trait for being a tailed beast….or maybe the kid is just lazy.' He walked forward and pulled out a scroll from his pocket.

Tsunade would have asked him what he was about to do but she, Shizune and Tonton grew confused when they saw him unseal a hot bowl of ramen.

Jiraiya brought to bowl to Naruto's face and waited.

Naruto's nose twitched as the smell hit him and he lifted a hand to reach for where the smell was coming from.

Jiraiya moved the bowl out of his reach before bringing it back to his face. He did this a few times until Naruto moved his head to follow the movement of the bowl. Jiraiya moved the bowl back slowly, getting Naruto's head to follow. He kept pulling back until Naruto fell off the bed.

Tsunade and Shizune thought that the boy would have woken up from that but they both heard a snore and sweatdropped at how deeply asleep he was in.

Naruto got to his feet and zombied his way to the smell.

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