A fox's day in the village

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Naruto slowly opened his eyes as a small ray of sun peaked in through the tall trees and miraculously landed on his eyes. "I chose this spot in the forest because it has everything I need, but of course, the spot I choose to sleep in is the only place in the whole forest that the sun shines through. I swear that damn sun is doing this to me on purpose." he got to his paws and walked out of the den he made for himself under a tree. Once out, he stretched like a cat, with his tails stretching as well. "I swear I am going to find a way to destroy you." he made his way to a stream nearby in order to freshen up as best he could. Dunking his head in, he immediately woke up as the cool refreshing water hit his face. He brought his head up with more energy than before "ah, that's a good way to wake up! A lot better than the ice-cold shower from the apartment." he then went to the small waterfall that created the stream and used it to clean himself. Once done with that he moved to the shore and shook himself dry, although he had some trouble drying some of his tails. He made his way back to his den and rummaged through some of the things that he had in it until he grabbed one of the scrolls that he had and unsealed a set of clothes. He henged himself into his smaller human form and got dressed. "I gotta find a way to keep my clothing on me when I use my Henge. Maybe I could come up with a seal that could change the size of my clothes so they stay on me when I switch forms." he finished tying his sash before he began to jump through the forest in the direction of the village.

Once he made it to the village he just began to walk around as he had nothing really planned/ he didn't really need to do any missions today since he had already saved up a good amount of money, not to mention the fortune that he had gotten when he drove that casino he went to into bankruptcy. "Hmm what should I do today? Ino-chan and Hinata-chan are both out on missions with their teams so I can't hang out with them, Sakura-san told me that she and Haku-san were going out to train today and that she would finally ask him out after they're done. Right now Karin-chan should be at the hospital helping out the staff….or making sure that Lee-san isn't overdoing his rehab. I could bug Baa-chan but she will probably just punch me through the wall. I could go see Jiji but he is probably enjoying his retirement but maybe I will see him later. Tenten-chan is probably still mad at me for not telling her about Baa-chan and if I go to her shop she will use me for target practice. Konohamaru and his friends are at the academy right now….damn." he continued walking through the village trying to figure out what to do while trying to figure out what to do for the day.

He made his way to his favorite spot: the top of the Hokage monument. He looked out to the village when suddenly, inspiration hit him. "Yes, that's perfect! It had been so long since I had done this. A Pranking marathon. And now with seals in my grasp, it will be so much easier. Beware Konoha! The Master of Pranks is making a return!"

Throughout the whole Village, every civilian and shinobi, save a select few, stopped what they were doing as they froze in place. It was like someone had hit the pause button on the whole village. Every man, woman, and child then all shivered at the same time as dread came over them.

The ones that were not working immediately began to finish their business as fast as they could and ran home. The ones that were working prayed that nothing bad would happen as they had an obligation in staying where they were. The shinobi spread out their senses in order to make sure that nothing would attack them.

The Anbu that were spread throughout the village got on guard and began to radio in an emergency alert for them alone. They could not raise the alarm until they knew for a fact that something terrible would happen. All of them just kept their eyes open for anything suspicious.

~Hokage Tower~

Tsunade was looking out the window with a confused expression. She was looking down at the streets and couldn't see any movement. "Shizune, do you know what's going on?"

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