Meeting and prep for the finals

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Kurama looked between the blonde ningen and the smaller fox as they stared at each other. He didn't know what to expect from the two, although he was more concerned by what his kit would do as Naruto was now face to face with his real father. He chose to let Naruto learn the full truth sooner than he would have liked but he had told his kit that he would and now all he can do is wait.

Naruto's brain tried to register what he had just heard from the fourth hokage. 'He called me….son...but…..'. He looked behind him to look at Kurama with a look of shock and then back to the fourth. "Wha…?"

Minato chuckled "it seems that the big fuzzball never told you about me. I thought he would at least mention me but it seems that he kept it to himself"

Naruto looked again at Kurama "is he telling the truth?". Kurama nodded his head which caused Naruto's eyes to grow wide "so my dad….was the one…..that put you in me….." he said as more of a statement than a question.

Kurama could feel Naruto's increased agitation and got ready for what he was about to do

Minato waited for a reaction from Naruto, whether it was good or bad, he didn't know but he got his answer when Naruto turned back to him and charged at him.

Naruto leapt at Minato and opened his Maw ready to bite down on Minato

~Meanwhile at the hokage's office~

Jiraiya was standing in front of the Hokage with his arms crossed and glaring at the old man. He had just gotten the full story from Hiruzen and was gritting his teeth from what the kid went through "so he is a bijuu? And he has been one for over four years because some idiot thought it was a good idea to kill a kid."

Hiruzen sighed deeply. This was not a story he enjoyed telling and it hurt him, knowing that it was one of his own shinobi that did it. All he could say was "yes"

Jiraiya clenched his fist hard trying to reign in his anger. Taking a deep breath he calmed down a bit "what was done with the man?" he asked with a small ting of anger in his voice.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair "he is dead. After he was apprehended, he was put in one of our interrogation rooms. After a few sessions from one our best interrogators, he was chained to the wall and left alone. The next morning, he was found dead, bleeding from several areas of his body which was later incinerated. Though it pains me that I had to do that to one of my shinobi, his actions against a child were unforgivable"

Jiraiya nodded "and he is alive because of the kyuubi. And you say he has a sort of good relation with it"

Hiruzen's depressing aura lifted as he smiled "very much so. Although he hasn't told me the measure of his relations with the kyuubi, when the five elemental seal was placed on him, he looked like he had lost someone precious. When I removed what I could, for the first time he had shown me actual respect and believe me, that is something remarkable"

Jiraiya gave a small smile before it disappeared "I think that it's risky to trust it though. What if it's all a ploy to just get the kid to release it"

Hiruzen looked to Jiraiya and gave a somewhat knowing smile "ah. You see Jiraiya-kun…..the fourth's seal has already been released"

Jiraiya's eyes grew so wide that they looked they might pop out "WHAT!?"

"Haven't you noticed that it is no longer visible?"

Jiraiya was still wide eyed but paused as he thought back to when he examined the five element seal. 'Minato's seal should have revealed itself after I channeled my chakra to the five elements seal, but it wasn't there.' in a shaky voice he asked "h-how?"

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