An odd day for Naruto

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Another morning at Naruto's compound which means that Naruto was grumpy. Naruto really enjoyed sleeping under the Sakura tree but the main issue was that the sun would hit his eyes sooner than it would in a room with curtains. "I'll destroy you one day sun. one day." he got up and went over to the bathroom to get cleaned up and take a shower. He would have used the bathhouse but it was too far away for him to groggily walk to.

He thought back to when Asa and Anko spent the night and the older woman had brought something up with him. Or at least….unintentionally.


Naruto woke up when he felt the older of his two houseguests begin to wake up. He, however, chose to keep his eyes closed so he could try and get a bit more rest

Anko woke up and slowly got up from her sitting position, making sure that she didn't wake Asa. She removed the tail on top of her and stretched her limbs to get the kinks out "I am never going to sleep against a bijuu again." She looked back to see that Asa was sleeping comfortably on top of one of Naruto's tails while she held onto his center tail which she could tell since it had the black line that went from his head to the tip of that tail. She slowly made her way out of the garden and toward the direction of the kitchen. Once she made it, she began to look around to see if she could find a coffee maker or instant coffee. Fortunately, she found the former in a cupboard with all she needed. She gave a heavy sigh in relief at this "oh thank you, gaki." She set up the coffee maker and began to make herself a pot. If it were up to her, she would have had a cup of tea instead of coffee but after waking up with a sore body and a tired mind from the stress of yesterday, she needed something stronger to start the day. She leaned against the counter as she waited for it to finish. As she waited she looked around the kitchen and into the living room that was just past an open wall. She couldn't help but marvel at the massive size of Naruto's new home. She remembered when he used to live in that crappy apartment that would have been somewhat decent if it weren't for the fact that it was constantly broken into and trashed. Now the boy had his own compound, one that was probably the biggest in the village. She thought back to her own apartment and how it was too cramped for her and Asa. "I should ask the gaki how he got this place and if he could help me find a place for Asa and I. She deserves a better place than what we are living in now."

Unknown to Anko, Naruto had listened in on what she was saying with his super hearing. He thought about what she had said before looking at the little girl that was sleeping on his tail. He remembered how much fun he had with her around and the smile she had when she was on the swing. 'A better place huh…'

Once Asa had woken up, he made a clone and sent it with the little girl to get cleaned up while he went to the kitchen to talk to Anko. He walked into the kitchen and saw Anko pouring in alarge amount of sugar in her cup of coffee. So much so that he figured she might as well just put her coffee in his sugar container. He couldnt help but joke "Do you want some coffee with your sugar?"

Anko looked up from what she was doing and stopped. "Oh shush. I need to sweeten it cause coffee is way too bitter for me."

Naruto shrugged as he walked closer "Yeah, coffee is too bitter for my tastes too."

"Then why do you have a coffee maker?"

Naruto sat down a few feet away from Anko "it's just one of those things that I randomly bought. It just seemed like the thing that every house has so I got one."

Anko shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee sugar.

Naruto tried to think of a way to bring up his idea and he only came up with one way. His way. "Why don't you two move in here?" sheer bluntness

*SPIT* Anko spat out her coffee in shock at the spontaneous proposal and stared dumbly at the fox…...that was now covered in sugar coffee

Naruto was lucky enough to have his eyes closed but he could feel his fur becoming sticky already. 'I should have moved out of the way.'

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