3 | Fly High!!

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It took two months before they were finally allowed to test the ODM gear. Lena was beside herself with excitement, a feeling shared by her comrades. They had learned the theory and knew the parts that make up the equipment inside out, they just had to strap it on and go flying. Shadis took them to a nearby forest full of huge trees, and there the practice began.

They were divided into small groups, each with an instructor to support Shadis, since it was a dangerous task to be unsupervised. Gradually the forest was filled with the noise of wires and gas, and also with shouts of excitement and fear, along with the occasional swear word.

Lena waited impatiently for her turn as she watched her peers. Sasha went first and she got it without any trouble, almost at the first try. When she came back, it was Lena's turn. After clapping for Sasha as she landed, she got into position in front of the trees and took a deep breath.

Release wires, gas, reel in wires.

Release wires, gas, reel in wires.

Release wires, gas, reel in wires.

Release gas, wires, reel in.

Gas, reel in wires, release.

Wires, release, gas.


Before she knew it, she had slammed her face to the ground. In the background could she heard her peers laughing.

"Go for it, Lena!"

"Come on, Carrots, we don't have all day..."

Lena turned to Jean and shot him an obscene gesture with her fingers.

She stood up, dusted off her knees and tried again. It was expected not to get it right the first time.

She ended up on the ground several more times, but that didn't discourage her. At least now she knew what to expect. She knew at what point to let herself elevate, the strength of the pull the wires gave when they reeled in, and at what point to release the hook.



Release the wire.

Give it gas.


She felt herself soar several feet, and she pushed the buttons just right to hook herself to some trees to keep herself in the air for several seconds.

Her stomach filled with twinkling stars. She heard nothing but the whistling of the wind in her ears and felt nothing but the cool air on her face. And some insect, for which she made a mental note to always keep her mouth shut while flying.

She couldn't help but smile as she swung from tree to tree.

Free as a bird.

As if she had wings.

When she reached the end of the area the instructors had marked out, she let go of one wire and spun on the other to return to the starting place. When she got there, her group mates applauded her as well.

Sasha squealed, patting her on the shoulders, "Well done!".

"Congratulations, you've mastered a basic military skill, woah," Jean said sarcastically. "Come on, my turn."

"You're green with envy, buddy," said Connie with a smirk, who was also very good at it.

Lena felt naughty. "Hey, Jean, when you're up there, open your mouth and take a deep breath. You'll see how cool it feels."

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