13 | Here For You

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"Hi, Mum..."

"JeanBo, you're here!"

Lena turned around in time to see Jean caught in his mother's tight embrace, hunched over her.

"My boy, look how tall you've grown! Come home, come in."

The door closed, and Lena couldn't help a tiny pinch of envy amidst all the joy she felt for him. A mother's hug was a feeling she didn't remember. Still, the smile that came over her mouth lingered on her face until the door opened again, a few minutes later. Jean peeked out and beckoned her with his finger. Lena took a breath and walked over, exchanging a nervous glance with him as she passed through the door.

The woman was waiting for her with a huge smile on her face in the middle of the foyer. She was just as Lena remembered her from the previous year, short and somewhat plump, her brown hair, with visible grays, in an updo and her gaze soft and sweet. She wore an apron over her dress, and her hands were folded across her stomach. She seemed to be holding back her joy.

"Mum, this is Lena," Jean said after closing the door behind her.

Lena smiled shyly, feeling nervous and wanting to run away. Meeting the parents of the boy she liked was not in her plans. She crossed her hands over her stomach, mimicking the woman's pose, and bowed her head slightly.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Kirstein."

"Sweetie, come here." The woman approached her with a couple of strides and caught her in a warm embrace, like the one she'd given her son. "Thank you for taking care of my boy."

Lena didn't understand exactly what she meant, but she gladly accepted the hug.

"Mum, what have I just told you...?," Jean grumbled uncomfortably.

Mrs. Kirstein pulled away but held her by the arms, watching her like someone looking at a treasure. "Oh my, how beautiful you are," she said, smiling. Jean clapped a hand to his forehead.

"Thank you," Lena murmured. She didn't know where to put herself because she was so embarrassed, but at the same time she felt so appreciated.

"Come on in," she said, leading them into the living room. "Oh, if you'd warned me I would've tidied up the house a bit more, son. So embarrassing... Are you kids hungry?"

"No, mum, don't worry—"

"I'll fix you something quick."

The woman went to the pantry and started taking things out while the two of them sat down at the table. Lena shot Jean a knowing smile and bumped his elbow. He looked mortified.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"What are you talking about?," she said softly. "She's lovely." Jean rolled his eyes and she laughed. "Your dad?"

"At work. He'll be over for lunch."

Mrs. Kirstein returned to the table with a bowl of peeled and cut fruit and two forks.

"Here you go, kids," she said, sitting down next to Jean. She looked at her son and smiled, "You're so handsome, son," she said, stroking his cheek. Jean didn't reject the affectionate gesture, but he made sure to look like he was having a terrible time. She turned to Lena, "Isn't he handsome?" Lena was shocked. Luckily she didn't have to say anything, because the woman kept talking without waiting for her answer. "Just like his father."

"Mum, please..."

"What's wrong?," she asked dramatically. "Your father is very handsome. He'll be here soon, you'll see the look on his face..."

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