9 | I Like Jean Kirstein

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I like Jean Kirstein.

Lena's eyes widened to unnatural levels, her face twisted into a grimace, as she finally faced the thoughts she'd been avoiding for over a day. Her mind grabbed the little packet of feelings she'd kept hidden deep inside her head the day before and suddenly threw it right into her face.

She brought a hand to her mouth and nibbled her fingernails as she felt nervousness swirling in her stomach. She glanced back at the boy lying on the bed, whom she'd tried to stop staring at ten seconds ago. His face was relaxed, still sound asleep. His chest was rising and falling gently. Lena scanned his features again, unable to stop her eyes as they drifted down to his lips. Pink, perfect volume, smooth-lookin-

YUCK!!! Have you lost your mind, Lena Kremer?! You're mental!!!

I don't... I don't know what's happening to me...

This is Jean Kirstein we're talking about, for fuck's sake! He's a jerk!

That was before! He's changed now...

We've been on the verge of death with him, that's why we've created an emotional bond. That's all.

We were also on the brink of death with Armin and we don't lik-

Stop using that word!

Lena squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, her internal dialogue confusing her to stressful levels.

Go away. Leave him here and forget about him.


No buts. This is the last thing you should be thinking about.

Lena sighed as she ducked her head, feeling defeated. Slowly she got up from the stool, took one last look at him and turned around, ready to leave her feelings in that infirmary room.


She froze in place. Between his voice, hoarse from sleeping, calling her name and a slight growl he let out afterward, Lena knew she was doomed, for she'd never been so attracted to a sound before.

She quickly turned to him, suppressing those thoughts. She found him trying to sit up in bed, his expression contracted as if he were in pain.

"Wait, don't strain yourself," she said shortly, as she approached the bed again.

She arranged the cushions so he could rest his back and sit up straighter, and felt the warmth of his body through his pajamas as she grazed his shoulders.

"I hurt all over...," he mumbled as he leaned against the wall and brought a hand to his bandaged head, squeezing his eyes shut. Lena watched him with concern.

"I'll get Amalia."

She hurried to the desk and found the nurse carrying a spoonful of porridge halfway to her mouth.

"He's awake," she told her with some reluctance, seeing that she was disturbing her as she tried to eat her breakfast. Amalia rolled her eyes and set the full spoon back in her bowl. She got up and walked over to Jean's cot with Lena trailing behind.

"Good morning, soldier," she said as she approached him. "How are you feeling?"

Amalia pulled a stethoscope out of her robes pocket, undid three buttons of Jean's pajamas without hesitation and rested the device against his chest. Lena had to force herself to avert her eyes as she felt heat rising in her cheeks at the sight of the boy's naked chest.

"Sore... Especially my head," Jean said softly, seemingly indifferent to the nurse's movements.

Amalia put the device away, opened his eyes and looked into his pupils. "Do you know why you're here?"

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