19 | The Fight

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Everything went back to normal after that night. The training sessions with Jean, the laughter, the jokes. Lena was on a euphoric high the likes of which she had never experienced in her life. While she tried to moderate her emotions so they weren't so obvious in front of the others, a smile seemed to be constantly present on her lips.

They never specified which day to meet at The Tower, but at least once a week Lena would sneak out at night and Jean would always be waiting for her between the barracks or under the window of the main building.

"Will you come with me to Trost this Sunday?" he asked the third night they met, lying on the cold stone floor as they watched the stars. Lena smiled up at the sky before turning to look at him.

"Mhm," she hummed as she nodded. Jean smiled and looked up again. "Did you tell them about...?"

"No, no..." he replied with a frown. "No way, have you met my mother? She'd be beyond unbearable."

Lena laughed softly. She really couldn't imagine the moment, if it ever happened, when Mr. and Mrs. Kirstein found out that she and their son weren't just friends. Lena felt her cheeks heat up at the thought. At least they like me, she thought. And she liked them. She wouldn't mind in the future being part of their family if—

Slow down! You're naming our kids already? He's barely kissed us twice!

Lena sighed, trying to listen to her inner voice, but the temptation to fantasize about a love story was almost impossible for her romantic brain to avoid.

"Better that way," she murmured.

Even they weren't quite sure what was going on between them, they didn't know how the sensations they felt when they were together would develop. They were better off with no opinions or reactions from third parties. Not for the moment.

For the moment they just enjoyed each other's company.

Lena felt his hand move ever so slightly beside hers, in between the two of them, until one of his fingers brushed hers. His pinky slid smoothly over hers until they were intertwined. Lena swallowed and tried to control her breathing so that the agitation that brief gesture had caused in every millimeter of her body wouldn't be so obvious.

After a while she began to feel very cold on her back (even though she was wearing her jacket, so as not to repeat what had happened last time). Next to him Jean yawned, and they took it as a sign that it was time to go to bed.

"Ow!" Lena felt a tug on her scalp as she pushed herself up.

A lock of her hair had gotten caught under Jean's shoulder. The boy apologized as he stood up quickly. He held out a hand to help her up and she accepted it as she massaged the sore area.

"I didn't realize, sorry," he apologized again as he looked at her with some guilt.

"Me neither, Jean, it's okay," she said, trying to play it down. "I'm not used to it, my hair's always been short and tied up."

"It's grown quite a bit, it's true."

Jean grabbed a lock of her hair and ran his fingers through it to the ends, following the motion of his hand with his eyes.

Lena felt one of their moments approaching, those moments when the universe seemed to stop spinning, everything around them disappeared, time slowed down and the only thing that existed were the two of them and the space that was shortening between their bodies.

"Yeah..." she answered in a whisper so as not to break the spell that was building up. "I'm not sure if I should cut it again—"

"No, let it grow," he interrupted her quickly, looking up. "It's very nice like this... Don't cut it..."

Honey and Sky | Jean Kirstein x OCWhere stories live. Discover now