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Hi everyone, it's the author! I think we left it in a nice place to end the first part of the story, and so I want to take the opportunity to tell you a little about the structure I have in mind.

The first part would be season 1 to season 3, we've gone through all the canon and brought Lena and Jean's relationship to a very interesting point where the cards are on the table, face up, clearly visible on both sides ^^

The second part is going to be almost all headcanon, as it will be based on the 3 years we don't see in the source material, only flashbacks in season 4. Here I'll take licenses since as there's not much canon material we will have to make it up ^^ We'll see how the relationship of our MCs evolves (if it does, lol) and the obstacles they face.

I take this opportunity to ask, what do we think about smut? e.e There will be some 100% sure, what worries me is that someone might find it uncomfortable, how explicit to do it, if there are minors reading... And that Lena and Jean themselves are minors. I already have the idea in my mind (and many things written, hehehe), but I'd like to know the opinion of my readers <3.

The third part will cover the whole year they spent in Marley. This will also be almost purely headcanon but I have a lot of cool ideas that I can't wait to write. In fact I already have like forty pages that I wrote before I even started this fic ^^

The fourth and final part will cover the return to Paradis... until the end :(

It hurts just thinking about it </3

I also have to say that the remaining three acts will be shorter than the first.

That'd be all. I'm off with a huge thank you for all the votes and comments, you don't know how happy I am when I upload a chapter and see the notifications *-* Thank you so much for the support.

I also take the audacity to ask you that if you like it a lot, spread the word ^^ If you see on the socials people asking for Jean fics recommendations... remember ol' little Honey and Sky <3

Thank you,


P.D.: New chapter coming up as soon as tomorrow!

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