17 | Confused

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Before she knew it, Jean had already pulled away. The kiss had lasted no more than a sigh, yet the tingle on her lips was still present.

Lena was petrified, her arms slack on either side of her body, her heart pounding hard in her chest. She opened her eyes and her entire field of vision was Jean.

She slowly looked up, her breath held momentarily in her throat. Her eyes met his, and on his face she saw an expression that mirrored her own: eyes wide with surprise, eyebrows pinched, lips slightly parted.

What just happened?

Before her brain could give her any reasonable command, her feet turned and she broke into a run.

What are you doing? What are you doing!

Her body didn't listen; she ran down the tower stairs, crashing into several pieces of furniture in the darkness of the crowded room. She scurried down the corridors as quietly as she could and didn't stop until she reached the window through which she had to exit. She opened it and looked down, considering the height. She listened carefully, casting her eyes down the hallway, but there was no sign that Jean had followed her. She climbed onto the sill and sat on the edge, thinking about how much she had become accustomed to heights thanks to her ODM, and at that moment she missed it. It wasn't an outrageous drop, but she hadn't trained for over a week, and she felt weaker than ever.

Lena Kremer, what the fuck are you doing. Stop running away right now.

Mind blank. She turned, leaning on her forearms and let herself fall, rolling backwards as her feet touched the ground to break her fall. She felt needles in the soles of her feet as she landed, her injured shoulder groaned and the blow to her back against the ground nearly knocked the wind out of her, but she scrambled to her feet without wasting any time and broke into a run to the barracks.

When she arrived she knelt outside the door and took a moment to catch her breath, eyes closed and forehead resting against her forearm.

They had kissed.

Jean had kissed her.

It hadn't been a kiss as such, though. Jean had merely brushed his lips against hers, it hadn't made the smacking sound that kisses were supposed to make. Did it count as a kiss?

Oh my God...

It was the only thing in her brain.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, ohmygod ohmygodohmygodohmygod...

She entered the bedroom in absolute silence, changed and lay down on her bed. With her gaze fixed on the top bunk, she pressed two fingers to her lips. Jean had been there. Only a few minutes ago. A stupid grin came over her whole face, teeth and all. She closed her eyes and enjoyed that new feeling. It was wonderful. She covered her face with her hands and rolled over on the bed, straining not to squeal with excitement.

Another thought formed in her mind and she looked up at the top bunk again, this time in a serious manner. The following morning she would have to see him, how was she going to look him in the face? Why had she had to run away? She'd been so nervous she'd panicked, and facing that situation at that moment sounded worse than facing a titan.

Now she wished she had. Waiting until the following day was a terrible idea, and there was no way to fix it now. She was going to have to see him at morning training and act like nothing had happened. What if he was angry that she'd left him alone? What if she never experienced such a magical situation with him again?

Lena rubbed her face in frustration and groaned internally.

* * *

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