20 | Peace

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"Thank you for coming with me."

Sasha's voice brought her back to reality. Mr. Braus had dropped them off at Trost, where they had gotten a ride back to headquarters. They'd been on the road for a while and Lena had tuned out, looking out the window as she happily recalled the day they'd spent together and letting herself drift with a sense of calm.


"Thank you for coming with me," Sasha repeated. Her eyes showed such honesty that Lena took one of her hands and gave it a squeeze.

"Don't be silly, no need to thank me at all."

"I was a bit cruel the other day..." she said suddenly. Lena looked at her in confusion. "I've been bottling up those thoughts for a while, instead of talking about it with you... I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Sasha, come on," Lena cut her off quickly, straightening up in her seat.

"No, Lena, I said hurtful things," she insisted, joining her other hand to the one Lena was holding. "I was angry and I just wanted to get it out of my system, and I didn't think -"

"It's okay, really, forget it."

"Just let me apologize, Carrots!" she exclaimed shaking Lena's hand between her own.

Lena couldn't help but laugh at the concern on her friend's face. "Okay, okay!"

"That's all." Sasha shrugged one shoulder. "I'm sorry. I apologize."

"I accept it," Lena replied pompously. "Tell you what, from now on we'll tell each other everything."



"Even the shape of my morning turd?"

"Even the shape of your morning turd."

They both burst into happy, carefree laughter and proceeded to tell each other all the intimacies they could think of; the ones they hadn't told each other before, obviously.

All in all, the ride back was entertaining.

They arrived at headquarters when everyone was already immersed in dinner (except Captain Levi, who always had a light dinner and retired quickly). Voices could be heard from the mess hall, among which Jean's and Connie's were predominant, besides the laughter of Hange and a couple of the Garrison veterans. Lena couldn't help but smile to herself at the sound of his voice.

As they stepped over the threshold they were met with the scene: Jean and Connie appeared to be telling an anecdote that seemed to include a horse, judging by their body language, standing by the table, and Hange was laughing uproariously as she slapped the table multiple times.

Jean gently clapped his friend on the shoulder as they finished the story and sat back in his place, that lovely smug smile plastered on his face, thoroughly pleased with having everyone's attention.

Lena realized that at some point she had stopped walking as Sasha elbowed her in the ribs. Her friend was standing next to her, sending her a playful smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up," Lena muttered, rolling her eyes and trying unsuccessfully to stop smiling. Sasha hid a chuckle with her hand and the two walked over to the table.

"Look who's here," Connie exclaimed when he saw them. He moved aside on the bench to make room for Sasha beside him, while Lena went to fill two bowls with dinner from the still steaming pot. "Everything good in Dauper?"

"Cleaner than I remembered," Sasha remarked matter-of-factly as she sat down. "What were you talking about? It sounded exciting."

"Stories from Training Corps," Armin replied cheerfully.

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