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After sending Beomgyu a message that she could see him standing outside of his apartment gate, Beomgyu gently put his phone down before looking around. Once his eyes found Faye crossing the road, he lifted his right hand and sent her a soft wave.

He could only stand and watch, though a small smile crept up his lips after seeing the way Faye looked both left and right before crossing the road.

Faye was nearly out of breath from the moment she stopped herself in front of him, carefully taking the two paper bags from her hands, Beomgyu quickly covered his mouth with the use of his vacant hand when a cough escaped his mouth.

"Why did you even wait for me out here? It looks like if one gust of wind suddenly blew its way here you'll fall!" Faye noted with her eyebrows pinched down in concern when she saw how deep his eyes were.

"What if you'll enter the wrong building then?"

"Why would that happen?"

"You had your head down while you were walking"

Quickly turning her head to the side just so that she could escape his gaze, Faye looked at the building that was his apartment.

Around the small home were medium walls as the fence and as for the front, the gate was in the color black, looking further inside, Faye saw Beomgyu's bike leaning against the metal gate.

"You live alone?" She further asked.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?"

"Then what's that?" Faye continued, pointing at the pet bowls beside his front door.

Smiling, she saw how Beomgyu lightly scratched the back of his neck.

"It's for the stray cat that kept on coming here every morning"

Nodding her head, Faye took the paper bags away from him. Signaling him to open the gate, Beomgyu poked the inside of his cheek before doing so.

Removing her shoes from the moment he opened the front door, Faye scanned the small yet homey apartment of his. It was clean and well-organized despite the shabby appearance outside.

"You can borrow my slippers... Is it okay?" Beomgyu suddenly came in front of her, holding his black house slippers.

"Yep" Taking the slippers away from him, Faye puts them on.

Placing the paper bags on top of the countertop of his kitchen, Beomgyu followed her closely, his body growing tense from the sudden realization that Faye was the first girl to set foot inside his apartment.

"Have you taken your medicine yet?"

Faye mentions, showing Beomgyu the medicine that she bought on the way here.


"Have you eaten lunch then?"

"I'm not hungry"



"Eat these."

Beomgyu could only shake his head lightly after seeing Faye wander around his kitchen, grabbing some spoons and forks along with glasses for their drink.

Just as Faye was about to pour water into their glasses, a hand that wrapped around her wrist stopped her from doing so.

"Let me do it," Beomgyu said.



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Ghosting || Choi BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now