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Y/N WAS FILLED WITH, Immense panic once she saw her door knob rattling, but before she could do anything else or even give a proper reaction, she door was pushed open to reveal a large exposure of light, which was shocking to her because it was night. She assumed that it was some kind of bomb that managed to get inside of her home, so all she did was drop down to her feet before she leaned over and covered every inch of her head.

She shivered against the floor while large rivers of her tears dripped down against her cheeks, her heart rate only growing quicker at the feeling of a ball of warmth coming even closer and closer to her because now she was fully convinced that her life was over.

"What are you doing on the ground??" A voice that almost sounded like It was in reverb questioned, watching as the female on the ground stopped all of her movements at the sound of the unrecognizable and unusual type of voice.

Only opting to keep her eyes on the ground that turned dark due to her own shadow, she allowed her lips to part, not being able to say anything as she relaxed at the warmth around her.

"Y/N...? A-Are you alright...? Am I scaring you?" The voice became a little more softer as Y/N flinched at the usage of her own name, but she still couldn't bring herself to look up at the ball of warmth and light that randomly appeared in her home.

The thing the freaky voice belonged grew nervous at what he was seeing because he didn't think it was normal to be on the ground while staying silent for this long.

"Hello... Can you look at me please..?" Once that innocent question left the thing that stayed in the same spot, Y/N felt she would've started sinking into the ground with how hard she pressed her crumbled body down against it in hopes of just staying there for all of eternity.

While she kept her E/C eyes shut, that's when the ball of positive energy finally came to the realization that the woman it'd been assigned to probably didn't enjoy the light that came with it, so it immediately turned itself down, watching the girl that stayed in the same position as before.

"Hello, Y-Y/N...?" She flinched at the sound of her name once again, but noticed how differently the intruders voice was. It was like a normal person was speaking now, but she could already tell that whoever it was that was speaking with her wasn't any normal person.

There were footsteps coming up to the female that laid crumbled up on the ground, and that only made her anxiety grow higher through her body, "Y/N... Can you at least let me know that you're okay..? I just got here..!!"

When the woman still didn't respond to anything while she hoped that this thing in her house would just go away from her, the person stared down at her body for a second before she could feel the energy of whoever it was coming down to her.

"Shhhh... I'm not here to hurt you..." There was a hand that was placed against Y/Ns head, and once it started petting up and down against her H/C hair, that's when she knew she finally had to do anything. She didn't want a random touching her, "I'm here to-"

Twitching as she sat herself up with wide eyes, that's when a gasp left her lips at the sight in front of her. It seemed to be some kind of abnormal human standing in front of her, but she could tell that something was off, she just didn't know what it was.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME??!" She slammed each of her hands onto her ground before she started to push her body back while the lower half of her body dragged against the ground.

The person in front of her had long wavy blonde hair, smooth pale skin, and blueish greyish eyes that could also be mistaken for a little purple. He was crouched down in front of her with a warm smile that only freaked her out even more.

"I am not here to hurt you... I am your angel, therefore.. I am here to protect you..." The angels tone was soft as he raised a few of his slender fingers up to the side of his face before he tucked a large chunk of his hair behind his ear, "There is nothing you need to be afraid of..."

With those words, Y/N dropped open her mouth at what she just heard, "What the... what the fuck?!!"

Frowning at the last word that escape the young females mouth, the angel shook his head from side to side, "Oh, I'd appreciate it if you didn't use words like that... It's indecent.. e-especially for such a pretty girl like you.."

Y/N didn't even bother to listen to what it was that the angel was telling her because she was in too much shock at what she was seeing right in front of her face.

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