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scared Y/N as he shifted in his seating, feeling even more afraid of her because he wanted to atleast make a good impression for her so that she wouldn't be scared of mad at him for invading her space even though that's what he had to do just for her. He hoped that this explanation he was going to give her straight up made her feel a little better because she still didn't believe that he was there to help her. She didn't know what to believe anymore, and she didn't even know if she would be able to recover from the blonde that made eye contact with her.

She found him so creepy, and it wasn't just because of his looks. It was because of the way the air shifted between them whenever his mood would change, how his voice sounded so soft and vibrating, and how gentle he was being because she couldn't tell what it was he wanted from her.

"Well, I've been assigned here... From.. god so I can watch over you... And I really want to take care of you and be there for you, you just have to let me...!" He whined as he clasped his hands together while he leaned over to the girl, the pleading eyes already staring to form.

Y/Ns mouth dropped open at the mention of god, and she didn't think that the explanation would be so short. She tried to calm herself down, but she felt she couldn't since the man of everything ever created was mentioned, "O-Oh my god... I.. guess I have nothing else to do... But.. is that it??"

"Hmmmm, let's see... Well, the reason why I have to watch over you, is so I can gain my wings... I've gotten them taken away from me because, well... I was doing bad... But we don't have to get into that! Anyway, god saw that you were struggling, so he told me that if I can help you and make you all better, I can earn my wings again!!"

"So you're saying that... You can help me if I can help you..?" She whispered underneath her breath as she piped up at the nod the angel boy sent her way while a soft smile coated his mouth.

His smile only grew bigger as he began to bump himself up and down against Y/Ns bed, the entire bed bouncing underneath the both of them because of that action, "Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying, Y/N! I feel like this could be good for the both of us, and that's also another reason why I want you to let me love and take care of you!!"

The female grimaced at the word love, but she just opted on ignoring it because she didn't want to strike up any problems with the beautiful long haired blonde that calmed himself down a bit, "Wait, so... If you don't have your wings, then how did you get here?? It doesn't make any sense to me... Did God just.. teleport you here or something...?"

"Mhmm! That's exactly what he did!! Why do you think I was this.. random ball of sunshine? Because I went through this portal that god created, just so I can get to you!" He leaned his face closer to hers, his cheeks turning bright red as he grinned from ear to ear, his heart beating hard through his chest.

"That's awesome..." There was no sign of enthusiasm anywhere hinted in the woman's voice, so the angel could tell that there was definitely something off about her, and just as he was about to question it, he was cut off by the sound of the girls voice once again, "Can I ask you a question...?"

"You can ask me absolutely anything...!" He chirped out with his smile fading a bit, but only because he wanted to make sure that the woman beside him wasn't all that uncomfortable because of his excited behavior and never ending energy.

She bit on her bottom lip as she kept her hard stare of the angel that parted his lips, noticing the way she immediately became serious about whatever it was she wanted to question him about, "Okay, then... I was wondering.. what.. what's it like up there..?"

The blonde was about to say something in response to her question, but that's when he pursed his lips and let a hum come from his throat. It sounded unsure while he buried himself in his thoughts for a quick second until he spoke once again, "I... Don't think I'm allowed to tell you that, I'm sorry..."

"What? You just said I can ask you anything, so why can't you just answer this one simple thing...?"

"Listen, Y/N.. I know that you have this image in your mind of what the flip side is like, but I'm telling you right now that what you're thinking of is nothing like heaven... It's way better...!"

Y/N only rolled her E/C eyes before she moved them away from the angel that fought the urge to take a scoot closer to her, already becoming clingy towards her even though they'd only just met, "Ugh... Just tell me how it's gonna be between us..."

"What do you mean?" He fiddled with his fingers as he tilted his head to the side, confusion forming on his face while he stared at the female.

"Like, are you only going to visit me at night? Are you gonna get me the stuff I've always wanted? Are you just going to follow me around like some little puppy on a leash?? Are you going to just... Appear whenever I'm having a hard time? I don't get it, man... What's happening?"

He giggled at the girl that compared him to a dog, but he didn't seem too bothered by it so he just left it alone, "Oh! Uhmmm.. I guess.. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy on a leash? And.. I'll try to get you the things you've always wanted!"

"Nice, I guess..." She really didn't like the thought of having someone watching her every move or even just standing over her, talking to her wherever she went, but of course since it was God that but the other man up to this, she wasn't going to have any objections towards him.

The angel chuckled before he placed his hands on the bed, his eyes still on Y/N while she could've sworn she was entering a dissociative state, "Any other questions?"

That's when the female whipped her head towards the blonde, causing an even bigger smile to go over his lips while she prepared herself for the question she was about to ask, "You.. you look a little young... H-How old are you..?"

"I'm ninteen. You don't have to tell me your age, I already know that you're ninteen as well!" The young mans words came off as a bit creepy, but then again he was an angel, and this is what he was going to be doing for a quick while, so he had to know stuff about her.

Y/N realized that she never got the angels name, so she turned herself back to him and hummed for a second, "Hmmm.. and.. your name?"

"I'm Raziel!!" He responded as he puffed out his chest, proud of his name since he thought it was cool and unique to others.

Nodding her head at the blonde that had a slightly smug smirk on his mouth, that's when she pursed her lips and tried her best to put on a fake smile as well, "Oh, nice name... Kind of like.. razor, right?"

All of Raziels confidence drained out as he slumped back down against the best, a frown forming on his lips as he sent the girl a bored look, causing her to cringe a bit, "Y/N I'm named after an angel."

"Oops, sorry.." she murmured at the man, sending him an even more awkward smile.

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